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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Tomb Raider worth it at that price?
  2. http://bennet.org/blog/tiberian-origins/ Article on C&C's birth, game is 20 years old this year. Yeesh
  3. You work for Lockheed Martin, don't you.
  4. Well, cruiser mounted ones is a bit better than a fleet of cop UAVs around. Well, treating every cop like a thug will keep you from getting your ass kicked or them otherwise abusing their power on you, up to a point at least. Thugs are generally dangerous, like a feral animal, after all. Is more pragmatic to treat them out of fear rather than anything else, really.
  5. Tell some meathead the tool he has is nonlethal and he'll start using for anything and everything, people are lazy after all. And shooting projectiles at people does pose a risk of injury regardless. Amusing to hear justice in the context of riot control, at least in the instances I've seen in practiced Hm, wonder if you knock one out of the sky will they charge you with assaulting an officer.
  6. Well, if they are really sketchy, I'd hope you would be a bit bothered by it even with a low chance of it happening to you. But then again, they wear badges so never know. Yeah right, no danger to protestors when it shoots projectiles I can see this coming though, now your average cop can pilot a drone. When they do that up here, the RCMP is going to kill hundreds, useless bastards all of them
  7. Another kickstarter then.
  8. Have to feel an F-5 would beat an F-14, at least in a dogfight.
  9. Military pilots involved in more **** waving, really. Ho hum.
  10. Empty Quiver would have been a better title
  11. Assad might have won out or they'd have a tough time of it that maybe this ISIL/ISIS group wouldn't be running amok in Iraq. Could have been better. But, the world is what it is now, not what it should or could have been.
  12. Wonder if they'd just left Assad alone what would have resulted from that.
  13. Well I did say if you wanted to be mean to them. Can't get much more meaner than dooming someone to a lifetime of brutal servitude that they are only free from with death. Perhaps I just have a thirst for vengeance today, though.
  14. Well, it's just weird to see it mentioned these days, granted I am out of the loop in ways to kill people (necklacing is something I found out about 2 years ago). Rather brutal way to die. If you want to be mean to ISIS people I'd go for enslavement, rather than death. Make them build roads or something.
  15. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/othersidegames/underworld-ascendant Ultima Underworld spiritual sequel or whatever, kickstarter launched.
  16. Diablo 3 season 1 ended, so my stash is an utter mess as I try to sort out all the crap I accumulated. Got rid of some characters, though I will keep my beloved DH, Kazyushka
  17. Well, they were going to swing either way, no big loss. Wonder what Jordan will do now, they are promising retribution but I can't see them rolling into Iraq. Hm, always thought their army had a good reputation even if they sadly don't engage in regular practice wars, heh. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/middle-east/Top-Muslim-body-calls-for-killing-crucifixion-of-ISIS-terrorists/articleshow/46120334.cms Wonder why crucifixion is becoming popular again.
  18. Would be nice to have more grand evil schemes, rather than stuff like kicking beggars off ledges or the (rather enjoyable in some cases) emptying of an SMG into a kid in The Den.
  19. Rather busy day for once. Which was good as it wasn't boring. This snow we have up here is rather tedious to deal with and we are due for more. Also wish the radio station would stop playing Albinoni's Adagio every 3 hours.
  20. Pft, she'd probably be against us having Max Payne - and that is not right.
  21. Grey Goo, pretty fun so far. The AI is pleasantly challenging enough though a bit predictable in its pressure (so once you take good positions you are gold). I do like how the game handles elevation as well as cover in dense woods.
  22. http://imgur.com/gallery/MNKOY1M
  23. Drillers of Earth is a cool band name
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