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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.pcgamer.com/tom-clancys-the-division-delayed-to-2016/ The Division delayed, surprise.
  2. Not really sure what the warning was about after watching that, I guess EC's audience is soft ? OT perhaps, but Bruce was on about Hatred before. The comment about denying it a megaphone was pretty funny as well, given this game's coverage by people upset by the murdering or whatever. Does seem that a ban would fix his problem with the game, he does go on about it being sadistic and of no value and that people shouldn't buy or sell it, after all.
  3. Seems to be a really one way street there, though
  4. Hopefully Rockstar includes something like that in GTA6. Gotcha culture should be in bloom by the time that's on.
  5. Would this persist for the rest of the game or just the rest of your life ?
  6. Oh ok, sister said it was something they were spooked about. Security was pretty crap though.
  7. Don't watch SHIELD but saw the ending bit. Given that they are super scared of that black block, seemed like the security was pretty crappy, no ?
  8. Most games won't do that as it just impacts the fun of it if you accidentally off some 'innocent' NPC and now apparently the entire world is out for you, after finding out somehow. Perhaps it's also skipped as it may be tedious to implement and ensure it's not some massive bug waiting to happen. I think that most games I've played that allow you to kill people do have some sort of response set in - reputation loss or guards or bounty hunters. The idea of GTA having police want you forever because you killed some hooker is a bit amusing, goes against the spirit of that game But even so, no one is making you kill people for no reason or even incentivizing it. Certainly is possible, though tricky to complete the game in a 'clean' manner where you don't ice a tonne of innocent people. That entire episode was pretty weak, though I will re-read it, background NPCs are background NPCs and have no depth. Surprise!
  9. Sarkeesian's GTA commentary was pretty bad, that entire episode was fairly weak too with confusing permitting to encouraging.
  10. Educate them on better food choices and perhaps provide assistance for them to afford better foods via something like GMI or some sort of public food program. Or perhaps just focus on the kids and feed them at schools, can get 2/3rds of their meals managed that way.
  11. Sarkeesian being some sort of saint to fools on Reddit and Twitter should really be a late hint of that, man.
  12. Think that was just some BS rumour, was rather amusing to think of that jump being made though. I think they have competent people at EA.
  13. They just needed to dress it up. Maybe have you as some Khornate cultist. Frankly, GW will let anyone make a 40K game it seems.
  14. So what about a game like Hatred ? Where the developers say they created it because they are tired of everyone being politically correct but in fact the game is just about gratuitous violence and certain people will buy the game just because large sectors of society are appalled by it and criticize it? Are you guys fine with this type of game ? Sure, it's a boring premise, but basically it's what people do in GTA once they've exhausted missions and other content. If they want to bait hand wringers, then they are free to do so.
  15. He's just cross training.
  16. So I got a code for this with my 980, anyone interested in it if one of my friends doesn't want it (literally one). Ok, it's taken.
  17. Body fascism, have to remember that one.
  18. A pony wearing giant WoW-pauldrons and spikes, fighting Reapers would be pretty cool.
  19. I have no idea, but it can hardly be accused of kowtowing to the demands of that community. Oh ok, I thought you were using that as games that would be slighting to those people. Everyone can relate to a pair of hands holding a gun. COD's characters aren't exactly puffed up all that much and most people play for the MP. I guess the character skin could matter.
  20. What's upsetting for feminists or gay people about COD ?
  21. Paragon 152. Got Focus and Restraint, so is awesome to get that damage boost (50% then another 50% of that). Crusader hits pretty hard, seeing crits of 50 million or so. Sadly I die too easily for T6, grr, so need more health/s or health/hit.
  22. Whoops, didn't realize soroph already did this.
  23. I thought Bioware's obective was to make fun RPGs not romance games But ok, I see what you mean by demographic then, though I think GD was focusing on the romantic relationships rather than the Bro party member (there's always one) being homosexual.
  24. Sadly no obsidian.txt file, but just various arguments on how one should behave and a forum should be run and so on. Is a cheap WUM tactic I know, but one must volley everything Nope, can't be true if this program is 'sophisticated' and produced us.
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