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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. From the Ars review, http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/11/fallout-4-review-check-your-next-gen-expectations-at-the-vault-door/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+arstechnica%2FwfSF+(Ars+Technica) Might have to try this one out, somehow. Hm..friend pre-ordered.
  2. Pretty much. Mind you, he can seek retribution in more subtle and damaging ways. A professor that hates you can screw you over academically. Lots of jobs, like mine, involve soaking abuse. You just stab them when they're not looking. This is why you be nice to people
  3. How big is the download ?
  4. Well, we can hope. Though modern gamers being exposed to Warcraft 1 would be worth it alone
  5. Might be soon, was a job posting a while back that people interpret to be for a developer to 'remaster' their old games.
  6. Her remark that it's not about creating an intellectual space is enough, really.
  7. More WoW stuff So WoW borrows from Diablo again. Am a bit interested to see how the class halls play out, then again I was interested in Garrisons
  8. A non sequitur but kind of funny. Apparently at Yale there was a fuss about Halloween costumes and the administrator here didn't come down hard enough on offensive ones. But mostly funny for the raging and some guy yelling Retweet! https://youtu.be/9IEFD_JVYd0
  9. WoW Stuff
  10. Oh, thought it was just cutscenes you were talking about. Never played Horde side but Garrosh going from emo boy to Stalin does seem strange
  11. Hm, that happened in one cutscene at Wrathgate, no?
  12. This is still First War era, right ?
  13. Really, the orcs siding with humans.
  14. Well at least we know their names. Starpocalypse Now
  15. I have keys on GOG for the below System Shock 2 Chronicles of Riddick Banished
  16. No.
  17. Legion Releasing by September 2016 Legion website updates are happening! The regular version costs $50 The Digital Deluxe edition costs $70. Pre-purchasing gives you a Level 100 Boost. Pre-purchasing gives you at least one week early access to the Demon Hunter class. You will need a level 70 character to create a Demon Hunter and you can only have one Demon Hunter per realm. Legion is expected to release on or before 09/21/2016. This is not a release date. Hm, bit longer than I anticipated.
  18. Would be tempted to watch an episode or two to just see how bad it is
  19. Prequels would be better by a fair margin for me if the romance plot was written better.
  20. Personality: ISTJ ("The Logistician") Variant: Turbulent Role: Sentinel Strategy: Constant Improvement Yeah right, "Insensitive" and "Always by the book" are weaknesses, pft.
  21. Guess it's aesthetics == gameplay > graphics.
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