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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Oh, has nothing to do with the BBC, just was reading that as I came across your comment, a neat case of synchronicity (probably not, but I just like using that word whenever I can BS my way through it). I think people hear "state run" when they hear "state owned", with respect to the BBC or CBC. The governments do interfere, I know the Tories here had a hate for the CBC for some reason, but hardly KCNA or Pravda of old
  2. Have never found him, or those, remotely funny. Same thing with Owen Wilson.
  3. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/nov/16/salon-owner-arrested-no-muslims-facebook-post-blinks-bicester Seems dumb to say, but nothing worth getting arrested over to me. Wouldn't happen here.
  4. Maybe should a little - http://www.thamesvalley.police.uk/newsevents/newsevents-pressreleases/newsevents-pressreleases-item.htm?id=324265 The whole ASBO thing is weird to me as well, but Canada is thankfully not the UK.
  5. Ah, I see. Well France's shutting down mosques that preach 'hate', so maybe they are merrily on their way. Seems pretty typical for overreaching laws, I understand that facing the aftermath of a terrorist attack can be shaky but is sad how that gets used.
  6. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-11-18-deus-ex-mankind-divided-delayed-until-late-august-2016 DX Mankind Divided delayed until Fall 2016.
  7. Well, what can you do, resources are finite, states have interests. Nigeria is getting help fighting them, though not sure it's active military aid.
  8. What did the anti-jihadi pact do ?
  9. Damn it, Ben Stiller still lives...
  10. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/boko-haram-overtakes-isis-as-worlds-deadliest-terror-organisation-34211019.html Boko Haram takes first place, heh.
  11. Good that they are taking some alive, at the very least they can get a trial but can also get worked over for information. Well, assuming they didn't just grab people nearby. Shame about the police dog getting killed, too.
  12. Drowner Shields
  13. That's such a weird viewpoint. The amusement value lies in the perceived hypocrisy, I guess? But on the other hand those crying hypocrisy have so many reasons why those lives don't really matter. "Oh I guess it's just a part of life there." "You can't seriously expect the media to report on events that manifestly don't interest viewers." And in the end, the message that emerges from these rationalizations is "your lives don't matter; take your tragedies elsewhere, we're not interested". The problem is, this has been the message since forever. The "hand wringing", as you so charmingly put it, is a reaction to this. You can't really expect people to give a **** about yours after decades of you not giving a **** about theirs. It's the "you claim to be tolerant, how come you're not willing to tolerate intolerance?" problem all over again. Of course people won't extend a courtesy to you which you've amply demonstrated you're unwilling to reciprocate. Yes, but the target of that not-indifference can't really be determined solely by the fact that there is booing. Not weird at all, if they don't care about another party, why should the other party care about them and why should they be upset if they don't. Plenty of reasons people grow indifferent, or at least not be as upset as other places when other die around the world. Lots of people were saddened or angry at ISIS at the Beirut bombing, or were sad at the Turkish demonsrators getting bombed. So I guess the competition is over how much grief is shown ? That cuts both ways as well. Did find it interesting a Lebanese blogger claimed people in Lebanon were more torn up about the Paris attacks than the Beirut bombimg. If so, wonder why that is - he clamed "Arab lives don't matter to Arabs" which sounds cool and all, but.. As for the target of the non-indifference (talk about sanitized language ), think you're being a tad charitable to the Turkish fans there, heh. And yes, before my time of course, but was aware Lebanon was a jewel in that region before it got screwed up. Heh, think a game manual referred to it as a "pinchusion everyone used for their own disputes".
  14. A poor joke, football fans are absolute scum and far worse than any politician. But people were mad at the football fans, for that, or at least what I've seen. Heh, I guess judging by a few only works when it is Americans
  15. I don't think anybody is upset over it, more like "not seeing the reason to be upset at people who don't care about it". Oh plenty are, seeing a lot of hand wringing over Arab lives don't matter or African lives don't matter. Not sure they give a crap about European lives so it is amusing. Not caring about it is fine, different from boo'ing or whatever else that is not indifference. But Turkish football fans are little better than savages in the stadium (like every set I guess), so is a minor snub.
  16. Weird to end with that when we're talking about coverage not editorializing, but I guess that is to be expected, heh. Not seeing the reason to be upset at Paris winning the tragedy olympics, plenty of reasons people rate it higher.
  17. People did mourn for Russia, people left flowers at the consulate here. But Kenya and Lebanon are places where people rightly or wrongly see violence as the background. Beirut was a synonym with a warzone not long ago. Paris also had heavy media coverage due to the place it took place, nastiness of it (similar to the Mumbai attacks in terms of coverage) and social media. I doubt Lebanese or Kenyans or Iraqis really give much of a crap when Westerners die. Besides, if there is an outpouring of grief for anyone that dies en masse, fatigue or some mental trauma is inevitable
  18. And now 2 dead, not the police and a standoff with some people in a home. Apparently this is the lead planner of Friday's attacks.
  19. Collected leaves, then noticed the wind blew a whole bunch back in front of our house. However, they are in a neat pile, so I suspect this was done by someone. Can't fix it for now, our bottom step is gone - concrete guys coming by to fix it. Given my neighbours, I expect someone to complain about the noise
  20. Heh, yeah... http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/video-surfaces-making-threats-against-muslims-in-quebec As for the Turkish fans booing that, eh, I guess they think Europeans dislike them and didn't care when a bunch of them got blown up a while ago.
  21. Hm, and now a lady in Toronto got punched a couple of times and called a terrorist by two guys. Canadians are so shocked by this, it's kind of funny.
  22. Euro 2016 is going to be fun.
  23. The West are the people with the guns and money, that'd be my guess why
  24. Wow, this thread has certainly gone places. Go figure it's one I made
  25. Dumb move, in my mind.
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