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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, come now, he is a biased source.
  2. Did give us that Pale Moonlight episode and a Federation that isn't naive.
  3. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/11/25/us-mideast-crisis-syria-turkey-impact-idUSKBN0TE04M20151125#JiVH0ojGOa1qAwEL.97 Might be BS ?
  4. I don't think SA's current government is interested in tackling issues that it can't blame on white people... Yeah, ok, but my perception has been their government is bit of an incompetent mess rather than being racist. But that is from outside.
  5. Government not moving to crack down on this, Bruce?
  6. Neither do I and yet here we are. As I said a little restraint on both sides would not have out of order. @Hildegard - Assuming a straight line path, the flying time is less than a minute - (6 - 8 km / 800 kph) * 3600 secs/hr = 27 - 36 seconds. The claim was that the Russian Su-24 was warned 10 times over a 5 minute interval but that the warnings began prior to the Su-24 crossing Turkish airspace. As in "change course you are about to violate Turkish airspace" which is exactly what you would expect. Again it's a matter of when the warnings were issued and why they were ignored. Of course you're simply free to view the insidious Turks as having schemed and plotted to shoot down a Russian aircraft. If so, I suggest you ask Gifted1 if he can also hook you up with some of that Fantastic Illuminati Mayonaise. Not sure Turkey is all that on the up, anyway.
  7. Is why I fill my Facebook profile with lies.
  8. While not excusing their actions by any means, it's interesting how people saying something like that forgetting the fact these pilots were dropping bombs on them in the first place. And i've heard reports that they're not even particularly choosy on who they drop them, militants or civilians. In any case, it's a bit hypocritical to expect these people to act differently. "We're dropping bombs on you, but shooting a pilot is just too much!" Really? Ah yes, the ever common preface which is proven a lie by what follows. I don't think British routinely executed German pilots during the Blitz, if they survived, after all. Also, you must be dreaming if you expect withdrawing and running away is an acceptable solution for state, especially a power like Russia. They don't need to bomb Turkey or anything, but those Turkmen are in a country that they were invited into, and are fighting against Assad. Not a big escalation to put the squeeze on them.
  9. Nah, too much fear of reprisal. Have to bloody someone's nose, and Turkey seems sensitive about the Turkmen in Syria so they pay the price.
  10. Russian marine killed as well, a chopper was shot by a TOW missile.
  11. I think the Turkmen in Syria are in for a rough time.
  12. The Muslamic Lizardmen still fight them in this shadow war.
  13. Extraordinary meeting by NATO going on now.
  14. Yep. Given all this trouble that's resulted from this adventure, can't say their lives were worth anything near it.
  15. Should have just let Assad massacre these clowns to start with way back when.
  16. Didn't think Turkey would be that stupid. Maybe people look into Putin pointing out what an ally Turkey is against ISIS - but doubt it. Guess the PKK may have a new benefactor, soon ?
  17. Made me recall Darth Hinn https://youtu.be/bhBU_WdSnmc
  18. Well it does suck for a single guy who just wants out of being drafted by either side or just dead. But other countries will take them. Had to laugh at people pointing out Steve Jobs was born to Syrians. That's a reason to keep them out, surely
  19. Funny, that, from a British person. Interestingly Canada is refusing to take single men, essentially, as refugees - http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-refugee-plan-women-children-families-1.3330185 Doubt there was much a security risk to begin with considering the source we are taking them from (camps).
  20. Yep that was it, ridiculous
  21. I was planning to steal the Solaris box, but sadly the office manager was trying to hustle me out. Rather funny as apparently he told my manager he was a bit worried at how I would take the news. Contacting recruiters today, and plugging along with learning Android development, can't come up with a simple app to make for exercise and fun - was thinking of a "Today in the history of your city".
  22. Well, all of the prequels have cool fights, where they attempt strikes that wouldn't do any damage even if they weren't blocked. They were okay though, even if Episode III has the commonly referenced weird blender sequence, heh. Ray Park was good though, he must have had fun doing that stuff. And hey if lightsabers can have crossguards, I think a shield would also fit with the Rule of Cool approach to things.
  23. Catchy intro tune.
  24. Things need to be Cool though. Is why we ended up with the ballet of TPM's saber fight. One of them should just come up with a light shield. I am curious as to what that stormtrooper is wielding against Finn, in one of the tv spots, is some sort of maul that can parry a lightsaber.
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