While not excusing their actions by any means, it's interesting how people saying something like that forgetting the fact these pilots were dropping bombs on them in the first place. And i've heard reports that they're not even particularly choosy on who they drop them, militants or civilians. In any case, it's a bit hypocritical to expect these people to act differently. "We're dropping bombs on you, but shooting a pilot is just too much!" Really?
Ah yes, the ever common preface which is proven a lie by what follows. I don't think British routinely executed German pilots during the Blitz, if they survived, after all.
Also, you must be dreaming if you expect withdrawing and running away is an acceptable solution for state, especially a power like Russia. They don't need to bomb Turkey or anything, but those Turkmen are in a country that they were invited into, and are fighting against Assad. Not a big escalation to put the squeeze on them.