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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I am also beginning to wonder how easy Easy is, perhaps you can win with probes.
  2. This is a very fitting theme for the Protoss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7Y1y8pKFKY
  3. Mostly from Reddit, where I came across it, people thinking it is based off the MMO anyway, find it hard to believe it could be. Some of the complaints seem like they'd be hyperbolic and/or oversensitive (such as her being told X is not her job, which is a fair thing to say). But seemed like a good fit for this thread, heh. http://www.nymgamer.com/?p=12091 and here's part 2. Yeah, getting a better sense on what type this person is.
  4. http://www.nymgamer.com/?p=12067 Apparently the consensus about is that this is Bioware Austin. I've no idea myself. To be fair, that sounds like typical 'senior' dev behaviour. Is funny to not back down when that happens though
  5. Wussed out on the Shakuras evacuation mission, couldn't get enough Annihilators to punch holes and DTs had a lot of detection to weave through. On normal, pretty much stomped over everything easily, heh.
  6. Cool Protoss don't look at explosions, apparently. I think I am in an annoying place, Hard is getting too hard for me and Normal is just facerolling. Guess I will just do it on Normal to find the story out. I am really liking the music in this game
  7. Hell of a generator that can power a laser while being hand-cranked. "Awesome" I suppose.
  8. Oh yeah we have that, doubt anyone here will observe it, several conference calls going on now (it's 2 mins away). Not a big deal really, people don't care about veterans or the dead in WW2 the rest of the year.
  9. Ahh, ok, thanks. Hm, that'd make for a good one-liner after killing him.
  10. Hah, had to supervise my cousin and...whatever the hell you call your second cousin's kid. Never having kids based on that experience based on my being moments away from choking them to death. Lucky it was back home, so smacking them with a textbook was a-ok. But really, have no patience at all and my mother's quick temper so no kids for their safety's sake Finally acceded to the CEO's demand and gave a lousy selfie, was tempted to just take some photo of a guy off Google and do it, but figured it'd be better to not be the one that sticks out. Nothing like yelling buzzwords at you to ignite the soul, "Innovate!" "Be passionate!" "Be agile!", etc.
  11. Did laugh when Zeratul explicitly says "That guilt weighs heavily on me", didn't seem very natural. Am on the third mission now, that second one turned into a bitch to beat for me with the triggered warp prism and nydus worm spam. Tried tackling the Protoss base there but they had carriers
  12. Sure is funny stuff going on there. Some journalist apparently infringed on their safe space in the quad then had a professor call for muscle.
  13. The opening battle on Aiur was fun, nice touch watching Phoenixes and Mutas "dogfighting" as background
  14. WoW, working on a belf warlock. Horde side being more mature was clearly fiction, I see. Other than that might play some of the Anno games, grabbed a bunch off GoG and I have to space out the download of LOTV (bandwidth caps + family members that don't understand how streaming video works = fun)
  15. Kids sure are more trouble than they are worth Today is relatively dull day, had to join a Google+ group where our CEO will 'communicate' with us. At least someone's using G+, I guess.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHQ-LPb0okke7H4WS-UEeA14rS6-1Z6c6 Legacy of the Void soundtrack
  17. Well, the new Starcraft game is out, also Fallout 4 is popular.
  18. Not that much of a surprise, kind of sad to read one of them though. Hopefully Kerrigan still dies. But I know we'll end up with some bull**** of her and Raynor being lovey lovey
  19. I guess because Obsidian makes buggy releases ? People do ride Beth hard over that as well
  20. I got it already, am a sucker for RTS games and I'm already 2/3 of the way in so might as well finish it. I aspire to be in Bronze league, I am that good in MP , so will be SP only for me.
  21. Nah, just getting stuff like below I still wish they'd bring back the judgement system from TBC - where you can judge light or wisdom to restore health or mana on attack and run those seals. Kind of boring having 2 seals alone as Holy
  22. The Paladin changes are so so. Interesting idea to make Paladins have a healing aura so they need to get in the fight rather than hang at back with plate on.
  23. From the Ars review, http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/11/fallout-4-review-check-your-next-gen-expectations-at-the-vault-door/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+arstechnica%2FwfSF+(Ars+Technica) Might have to try this one out, somehow. Hm..friend pre-ordered.
  24. Pretty much. Mind you, he can seek retribution in more subtle and damaging ways. A professor that hates you can screw you over academically. Lots of jobs, like mine, involve soaking abuse. You just stab them when they're not looking. This is why you be nice to people
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