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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Rather weird reactions here, though not all that shocking.
  2. What was wrong with it ?
  3. https://wikileaks.org/tpp-ip3/WikiLeaks-TPP-IP-Chapter/WikiLeaks-TPP-IP-Chapter-051015.pdf Wikileaks has the IP section of this
  4. Star Citizen's Squadron 42 cast - http://www.pcgamer.com/star-citizen-features-gary-oldman-gillian-anderson-mark-hamill/ Gary Oldman - Batman / Fifth Element / Tinker Tailor Solider Spy Mark Hamill - Star Wars / Batman [Joker] Mark Strong - Kingsmen / Sherlock Holmes / Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Gillian Anderson - X-Files Liam Cunningham - Game Of Thrones [Davos] / Wind That Shakes the Barley / Dr Who Andy Serkis - Lord of the Rings / Planet of the Apes John Rhys Davies - Lord of the Rings [Gimli], Indiana Jones [sallah] Rhona Mitra - Shooter / Underworld Sophie Wu - Kick Ass Ben Mendelsohn - Dark Knight Rises [Daggett] Jack Huston - Broadwalk Empire [Harrow] Gemma Whelan - Game of Thrones [Yara] Harry Treadaway - Control Also
  5. Going to vote today, even though my area is NDP owned.
  6. Yeah, despite the fact UEFA is as crooked as the rest and when you speak to Euro football fans they (as Euros do) possess a poorly cloaked arrogance on how they need to control the sport, not the tiny insignificant federations. Hopefully they leave it in Russia at least.
  7. So they're dependent on the developers and artists finally finding some balls to demand their share?
  8. Hope they get what they want, maybe others in the industry will look at them and figure something out.
  9. Nope but is being inflated as one - neat distraction from much of anything else. As for it being cultural, I doubt it matters much to the people he's playing on.
  10. Well something being abhorrent is an emotional response. Nothing wrong with people think mothers or brothers who kill their siblings or daughters are the worst kind of scumbag. But yes, the law should hammer them the same way it would some one who planned a murder of the guy who keeps listening to Faith No More next door. Revenge certainly feels good, but is bad for society overall.
  11. Still struggling to get my city in Cities Skylines working. I think I may have to scrap all my transit lines and re do them, bah.
  12. http://ottawacitizen.com/news/politics/harper-doubles-down-on-possible-niqab-ban-in-public-service Harper ensuring them Muslamics don't spread their evil in Canada
  13. I suppose they are more abhorrent due to blood killing blood after coldly coming to that conclusion for nebulous concepts. Is a bit more vile than flipping out and killing your son in a rage, but not much. Killing is killing, but blow away a 9 year old and a 30 year old and people react differently (some drunk killed 3 kids here in Toronto, there is a Jihad on him now, for example).
  14. Patch 1.10 notes http://wpc.4d7d.edgecastcdn.net/004D7D/media/THE%20WITCHER%203/Pdf/patch_1_10_changelog_en.pdf
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiP-cjsl65w
  16. Hopefully that's just some made up crap - is Breitbart after all - but seems likely, rather sad. I guess they should just take the women and kids and tell the men to hike it back home Found http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/unclean-syrian-woman-who-escaped-to-germany-after-gang-rape-found-stabbed-to-death-in-suspected-a6685011.html so skepticism was unwarranted
  17. DOW Chemicals is to blame for this.
  18. Got a treadmill. Is a pleasant change from playing Diablo 3....wait a minute.
  19. The addition of "More 'Shame'" on that cover amuses me for some reason.
  20. Hopefully Java-shaming becomes a thing.
  21. Had to put this here
  22. I always think of it as warning of cascading transactions. Too much time working with DBs, I guess. But really, most of the time online it's a good marker on what to wind people up on.
  23. Seems Putin has a clone army. Just because missile launches at night are pretty
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