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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I'd have gone with Watson, somewhat of a larger impact than Schafer.
  2. As long as those that get the day off still get it after this demanded change, no big deal.
  3. Just as long you don't try to make stripper drones.
  4. http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/06/aviation/russian-plane-restorer/index.html?sr=fb100615russian-plane-restorer0430PMStoryGal&linkId=17725906 http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/features/f020-academic-works-on-restoring-iconic-1950s-soviet-jetlinerin-her-spare-time/ Russian mathematician working to restore an old jetliner
  5. Or just trying to ensure people check them. Guess a bleeding heart or a racist, with this kind of deal.
  6. Probably just some COD fanboy.
  7. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34450057 Gee, what a surprise...Florida
  8. Both the woman and the father should be in jail.
  9. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/10/05/us-mideast-crisis-russia-syria-volunteer-idUSKCN0RZ11X20151005
  10. Mission photos from the Apollo missions - https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/page1
  11. It's a problem when people think of "Why not?" rather than "Why?" when making things, I guess
  12. Finished WoL on Hard, go me. I still suck at SC2 though. Plugging along in Cities:Skylines, my city is full of University graduates that refuse to work in industry, which is annoying.
  13. Meh, there are other sims to play and SC may suck. It'd have to be pretty good to counter the spectacle of that community's meltdown though
  14. That is putting it lightly. "In Chris we trust" and so on, bunch of God damned weirdos, some of them - response to allegations like this is to give more money. Glassdoor reviews aren't always bitter people lying, may play up things being worse than they are for sure. Kind of hoping for SC to crash and burn, heh
  15. Just because of the niqab issue, I wonder? Amazed at the Tories this week, snitch line for "barbaric cultural practices" and Harper talking about tiers of citizenship. Heh, good old Reform base.
  16. Last thing we need is the conflict in ME to escalate to WW3.... but with the amount of natural resources and old grudges within the region alone, things might escalate... the best we can hope is that it will remain a regional Shia/Sunni conflict, but with Turkey being a part of NATO and high probability of it being dragged into a conflict... I mean, there are all the ingridients in that pot for things to blow up... I just hope it won't and that lessons in the WW2 and WW1 societies can hold leaders of main participants of those conflicts away from going full retard. Oh, just that one of the articles gave the impression that the author thought backing down over any flashpoint is cowardice - that kind of thinking usually comes from hawks who never go to fight, heh.
  17. Apparently not wanting Ww3 means you lack balls, to some.
  18. My policy is everywhere but my house is scuzzy
  19. Just be sure to sanitize the screen after.
  20. I like the Clans, but guess that is as I started off with MW2 (couldn't play it due to Win95, so I read the tech lab and the lore stuff).
  21. Well, was thinking of it being powers fighting each other but mainly helping mooks 'win'. But that works as well, it seems.
  22. International affairs sometimes end up like a match of DOTA,
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