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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hurlpints
  2. I was the harbinger of sickness in the office, watching and hearing it spread now. Not really, I am careful to cover my mouth and wash my hands thoroughly, it is just the cold snap nailing people.
  3. Pretty sure Clinton's team is aware of that, every armchair political strategist has mentioned that by now. What they say publicly isn't that meaningful, no one cries down their team (sadly). Doubt she'll engage in that scenario you're imagining, as is hard to work. Just legions of meshbacks if anything. Republicans crying about voter suppression is pretty funny, sure is an odd election.
  4. Wouldn't that also be suppression of her voters as well?
  5. http://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/police-taser-quadcopter/ Drones with tasers, and so it begins..
  6. Not a bad change, US election discussion has been SSDD here for a while.
  7. I have no idea who this is
  8. Apparently ethnomathematics is a thing
  9. I read that as Stalin on the first pass
  10. Your choice is a positive thing, though, or it should be. Interesting to see the transition as farms, for example, go from Nicaraguans to Real Americans and in other areas foreign labour is used. Not quite sure how much of the middle class is being cut by TFWs, but I'm sure there's studies done. As for the SJWs, I assume those are still the original meaning of people whining on the Internet and not much else, rather than people actually concerned by social justice - but in any case, that's a really worthless reason to root for someone. Given the most ardent opposition to SJWs are people whose sheets are in the laundry that day, it seems.
  11. Civ 6 got a decent review from PCG - http://www.pcgamer.com/civilization-6-review/ - for what it's worth, anyway
  12. Always knew the Killuminati were the real power brokers.
  13. Agreed, the basket of deplorables are people too. I never argued for the deportation of deplorables. What would you want to do with them without turning the situation into a violent one? Install economic policies that actually help with their living situation? Poor rural white people have been shat on by both parties for a long time; no wonder they're growing angry and desperate. Give them someone else than racist buffoons who upholds their interests and whom they can see as a credible representative of themselves, and maybe their support for racist buffoons will dwindle. As the article say, there is no one else even if the author goes overboard with his policies being racist. Elect Hillary and let the cycle down the drain continues. And how will Trump stop this? Also, can always choose neither.
  14. Ehh still like NROL-49 or 39 better.
  15. [citation needed] Booooring! Give a counter-argument instead. I can definitely see the merit of the argument that a conservative movement which uses coded language to pander to bigots and socio-economic policies that just so happen to have a disproportionately negative impact on people of color would probably garner the support of the far-right and racist crowd, thus preventing them from becoming a force of their own. The problem is that this isn't as much stifling the rise of said movements as it is legitimizing them. Much better! But perhaps as you have noticed, despite living inside Orban's Wall, that the forces at bay are much larger than stormtroopers seeking legitimacy but rather large squats of people becoming disenfranschised from the very society that they are a bulk of. Just look at the rise of Swedish Democrats in Sweden and many others; such things do not simply happen in vacuum. Compartmentalizing them into the same group as the real ant-democratic ones will just add further fuel to the fire, instead of reaching out to the underlying issues with empathy, where i think paleo-conservatism is one of many ways to do so. I am afraid that Trump is the olive branch concerning the circumstances. The pendelum is swinging and as some famous guy said: "if you make peaceful revolution impossible, you will make a violent one inevitable". I care little to differentiate between people who personally want to get rid of "undesirables" and those who merely wish others would do that for them. Agreed, the basket of deplorables are people too. I never argued for the deportation of deplorables. What would you want to do with them without turning the situation into a violent one? Make their opinions worthy of being ostracized in society. Assuming these deplorables chief concern is coloured people taking over or something like that.
  16. It's a great answer to give. If he would say "I will accept the result" it would give a green light for fraud and he couldn't do anything about it. Now the government needs to be careful to eliminate or marginalize frauds and tampering with election to not give president Trump ammo for rigging the election. Why do you think any fraud needs a green light from the guy it is going to work against? And you think Trump needs ammo for his whining? Fair amount of people just go on the principle of "well, everyone knows.." particularly his meshbacks.
  17. Well, that is par for the course for a politician.
  18. Well, easy enough as that's PR for back home. Just that they already know Mosul, for an example, is a target eventually and it's hard to just move those forces around stealthily these days what with you being able to get a recon force of sorts off Amazon. In any event, Trump's complaint was the ISIS leaders leaving, but if they do, there's an army left to kill still and a city to retake.
  19. Slowly releasing personal emails a month before the election in order to make the Clinton campaign look bad is pretty clearly a biased act. It's also a dangerous precedent to set, Rubio had a pretty good response to the situation: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/exclusive-rubio-talk-wikileaks-donald-trump/story?id=42895586 I sense a huge diatribe being in response to this Mercifully only saw a bit of the debate, only saw Trump talking about how the element of surprise was lost at Mosul and name dropping MacArthur and Patton for some reason. Have to think it's a bit hard to launch a surprise attack on an entrenched city, though.
  20. Tsk, tsk. Need to be more subtle. Wonder what he would have said, he came back but didn't mention them. Keep expecting these leaks to have something interesting. So far it's been that politics is nasty warfare, something I thought everyone older than 14 knew Edit for typos. God damned touch screens.
  21. And it took you so long to 'Got it'? xD Bruce has mentioned that stuff long ago though, not sure why it is a revelation in any sort at this point. People have dogs in fights and integrity is something everyone claims they have but are largely lying.
  22. That's just so you can slack off, then
  23. Never underestimate full-contact chess! Slept on a mattress for the first time since last week. I'm getting old and soft, quite liked not sleeping on the floor anymore Hah. Well no physical fights. Yet. Everyone expects one as we get into screaming matches but is all in good fun, blow off steam. Why I always find people who say they never fight with a partner strange
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