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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Kind of funny to read this given the dreck these threads have given. Also i are confusing education with intelligence as you try your jab there. People coming up with baseless but feasible accusations or excuses is a staple of politics, I think. The latest robocall accusing some guy of being a closeted homosexual is the best.
  2. How will he make money off that?
  3. I have no idea why people love bacon so. Maybe it'll come to me some day.
  4. Second Nature with Alec Baldwin. Kind of like a crappy Bourne movie. But it was free on Youtube
  5. Letting my sister pick choices in ME 1 seems to not work as she, I quote, "doesn't have time for this bull****". I guess Kaidan lives this time.
  6. So basically the way the US has operated for 70 years or so (well or any power).
  7. Meh, US wants to play games overseas, shock. It would be akin to worrying about Obama droning right wingers locally, I think. Not sure what is the concern witb that quote on Hamas either.
  8. https://www.idlethumbs.net/designernotes/episodes/sid-meier-part-1 Always nice to hear stuff from Sid Meier, Microprose made some of the first PC games I ever played, so always close to my heart
  9. Yeah, when on a page with Youtube, FF blocks it as the connection is not secure, disabling that allowed the videos to show
  10. I think by posting here longer than 3 months you fit that.
  11. Different generation & demographic. Though even people who grew up with the Internet or were born into it still have no clue about discretion
  12. Time to dig up the Manning and Snowden threads. Apparently some suppression of black voters in NC, hm.
  13. Yep, the grind is noticeable in WoW. Plodding along in ME with my jerkass FemShep Adept. Not liking the play style much though
  14. Not quite like Wikileaks, not like Assange should bother with worrying if he influences the election.
  15. Would be worth more if the authors were the same. But ah well, is images.
  16. Thought it 650k emails in total, not 650k dealing with Clinton. Then again FBI did a check in and run so who knows.
  17. I find the outrage over that strange. Pretty sure most people have a business persona and a private one.
  18. I am pining for a donut. Yet the store is so far away.
  19. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-says-hillary-clinton-could-let-650-million-new-immigrants-into-u-s/ With all those people, you'd finally have people in Idaho.
  20. Going to run through Mass Effect again, for no good reason.
  21. Being called a douchebag by some woman because my dog woofed at her and wagged his tail was a new experience. Dude up the street certainly is a player, every weekend different women leave his house Sadly my dog has some corns on his feet that making walking painful - no idea how a dog gets this - so only outside activity is chilling with me on the steps or park.
  22. Really Volo, you are like the MRLS of Nazi accusations
  23. You can basically read this thread on autopilot. "According to pol some sources Clinton has admitted she'll be abolishing income tax and replacing it with racial serfdom". "We just need to go out and vote third party then our broken 2 party system might be able to fix itself by 2020" "x IS A SJW NAZI SCUM. IF YUO SUPPORT x YOU SUPPOPRT RAPE AND EVIL. PERIOD" "c'mon guys you can't really hold this horrible thing Clinton has done against her?? surely you no shes sorry and dont wont trump to winn right?? (◕ᴗ◕✿) "Bourgeois democracy is a sham we're all doomed". Etc. And nary a solution to be found in this post. i just love cynicism, it's so self serving. Coming from you, that's hilarious.
  24. Based on reading here, seems self delusion must be common You noticed a pattern, are you a logician too? Nope, I got ISFJ
  25. He and Biden has now cancelled all their joint appearences with Hilllary: Hm, interesting that this is so quiet, only place I found mention of this was r/The_donald, with credit to 'anon'. You'd think Breitbart would already run with this.
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