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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. SJWs are Authoritarian left. Libertarian Left tends to mean leave people alone but I'm ok with single payer health care and breaking up monopolies. Well depends on who is calling others SJW, I see a lot of times where the factor is "thinks racial slurs is bad".
  2. http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/305022-trump-misquotes-cnn-in-tweet-about-voting-problems-across They gave him back his phone.
  3. Volo, go work for CBC as a political commentator.
  4. I guess if you said it meant stuff you got extra crazy points
  5. Had to laugh as the furnace repair guys, being Jamaican, attempted to guess that my mom was Guyanese rather than being Trinidadian. This immediately caused offense, as it does. It is strange though, how often mistaking one for the other will be an insult. Furnace install isn't as painful as I expected, and was a good break from work. Now to settle in and get a heart attack from the US election
  6. Economic Left/Right: -7.0 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.79
  7. That's somewhat offensive to people in general.
  8. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89120-obsidian-us-presidential-poll/
  9. This forum is a rigged system.
  10. Millenials are also likely to fall for BS online as well. I think that quote about knowledge vs wisdom applies, perhaps.
  11. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/304867-coulter-trump-would-win-if-only-people-whose-grandparents-born Ah Coulter, has to be playing a game, not sure what the point is, but a game nonetheless.
  12. One thing is for sure, it's something that the management of is best kept out of the hands of people here.
  13. No lynching as progress, it's like the desperate optimism of end of year reviews at work Might be interesting to see racists get a soft touch, but negative reinforcement works wonders.
  14. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-11-08-mass-effect-andromeda-has-ditched-character-classes-but-will-let-you-respec-your-character
  15. Never thought I'd see Social Justice Warriors being used by people not on Internet forums.
  16. Well, his saying stupid crap that had him rolling dice to piss off Hispanics certainly will bite him a little.
  17. Ok, figure I'd ask some of you here as googling that means I have to sift through zealotry and am not fit for that at the moment
  18. Is missing the Major's veil to make it look believable
  19. Watching this rant, I am curious about one thing, what's everyone's problem with common core?
  20. Great, another zealot. He is another one for the pyre.
  21. Wow, that's some **** management. We get 0, which is crap as well, joy of being white collar Preparing for furnace install and trying to not worry about what will go wrong
  22. So it begins right after ME2, apparently. Timing makes sense I suppose
  23. New BF game looks great
  24. You get one sick day per year?
  25. Crookz looks like it'll be a fun puzzle game. Early days, but does remind me of Commandos in terms of avoiding patrols, etc.
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