He and Biden has now cancelled all their joint appearences with Hilllary:
Hm, interesting that this is so quiet, only place I found mention of this was r/The_donald, with credit to 'anon'. You'd think Breitbart would already run with this.
Well if it was one schmuck then no chance of this, but when there are many we get this and rightly so.
Good luck getting any ultimate arbitration to be fair, everyone can be bought, right?
Definitely. I haven't followed it closely but assume the protestors aren't just idiots flailing about over nothing. Certainly nothing worth all the big **** flexing by cops.
What's scary about those?
Hillary Clinton's private email server under investigation by FBI again
I hope he'll be another Budd Dwyer.
Take their country back from what, I wonder. Damn revolutionaries are always so vague.
Pushing on in WoW. Can't say I enjoy the stuff with Illidan, watch him sacrifice....others for the greater good yet he is martyr or something. The naaru telling us we need to be redeemed is also good comedy.
Don't have enough buddies playing to do Mythics. Means we have to spam LFG like old times