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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. All that talk of hope is annoying. So the thermal exhaust port was an intentional weakness then?
  2. Headline of "Trump Campaign is pulling out of Virginia" makes me think some editor is trying too hard to be witty.
  3. You comparing the crash of the Brazilian economy to the current structures of the US economy? How are they similar if you dont mind sharing? How do you figure that? This has nothing to do with the price of oil or the boom-bust cycle of Wall Street. It has to do with the forces currently moving through society. 1. Hillary and her possible upcoming administration have no signs of strength, vitality or lucidity. They exort blandness, banality, pettiness and deceptiveness. You could see it in how the inner dealings were done against Sanders, you can see it in the empty words and platitudes she use in the debates and the low energy of her supporters. Humans are hierarchical and the the leadership reflects the currents of the masses. If the leadership lack principles higher than themselves to look up upon or work against the current virtues in place, indirectly or directly, only decline can follow in society. 2. There is little interest in curbing the current demographical trend in Hillary's camp. I do not even need to point to history like the empires of old, to make it clear out that no majority is destabilising (just look at Putham's study if you're really interested http://archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/) as it makes cohesion less probable. If the social cohesion goes for the worse, then so goes the trust in public institutions and corruption will be become a serious issue. 3. There's little interest among Team Hillary in averting trade deals like TPP or H-1B and similar visas, where both effectively undermines the middle class, which in turn will cause income inequality to rise and social mobility to stifle as capital will always be more global compared to labour. This will create further balkanization of socities where certain groups climb the ladder faster than others as they have better inner cohesion than others. This sense of injustice of the system being rigged against ones favour will increase the possibility of social decay and even foster militant uprisings at smaller scales at first. So three different vectors of **** colluding with each other to create an even bigger pile of ****. It will not happen over night, but a slow decline that has been in motion from before and will continue with Hillary. That's why the comparison with Brazil is applicable in terms of societal regression. Interesting, well other than point 1.
  4. How do you figure that?
  5. New strategy worked ok with the Aztecs. Approach was to just burn him off the coast by landing and razing every coastal city. Not going to win the game but am glad I managed to bloody Montezuma's nose
  6. Eh, not that amusing when you realize that kind of thing is so common it might as well be a basic fact of adult life. Even simple stuff like not wanting to share a seat on a subway.
  7. He is just delivering prophecy. Trump of late sounds like That Guy in every WoW raid, where it's everyone else ****ing him up.
  8. Certainly is disappointing.
  9. Was expecting more after that lede. Is not inaccurate.
  10. Yeah of course, and I worry some less-than-objective folks will cling to those a little too much and distract from the ones you can actually work with. Having said that....I mean holy hell. Is it possible to have a MORE suspicious email than that one? Only thing I can think of is if someone wrote an email asking how deep you're supposed to bury bodies. While in no way evidence itself, it does matter on the political front because some people are gonna look at that one, think "this is evidence enough for me" and let that dictate their vote. At this point I question if Assange has actual dirt on her on that front (aka did someone actually get assassinated) or is he purposefully leaking that amongst the batch knowing how heavily it implies such a thing, even if he lacks evidence for it? I'd say odds are 50-50 at this point, since wtf I wouldn't put it past Hillary, and if Assange were trying to dishonestly portray someone as several degrees worse than they actually are, well...it wouldn't be the first manipulator the world has ever seen. Good theatrics though. I can think of a lot more suspicious than that, hell, I have written ones more so than that out of context.
  11. Seems like usual dealings for politics though. Also using your imagination to fill in blanks is a ticket to places outside reality half the time.
  12. Anyone who would be outraged over that has never worked a CS job in their life.
  13. Because that sounds expensive, especially compared to sleeping at home.
  14. Trying to decide on how to waste up the 7 vacation days I have left for the year. Maybe 2 weeks of half days.
  15. Whoops, my mistake, missed the date and thought it was on her role at the convention. This bit doesn't flow well though so removed it. Had to laugh at a leak of a comment to punch Karzai in the face. Interesting how these read to different people given the relatively sterility of text. The bone to Sanders supporters is one.
  16. Eh, you can burn a bridge from both sides, with respect to Gabbard. And those two guys may have seen that as counterproductive to the attempt at unity after a bitter primary. They own their principles on something. Also, doing good and all that other nonsense first requires you win the election. Nothing unsettling about any of this, I am somewhat surprised by some people's reactions (then again these are the same that think the NSA shouldn't spy on current allies )
  17. Politics is like war. Also, ever listen or read stuff by Sanders zealots? Party loyalty isn't much to count on, least of all during a primary.
  18. Has he outlined the vetting? I am hoping it involves questions cross referenced and an eyeball camera.He's going to ask them questions about their various believes. Cross checked against their facebook posts I guess. Man, don't envy the civil servant with that job.
  19. If I am going to labour under self delusion, my intention on a forum post is pretty far down the list of TODOs. As of now it is that I really enjoy meetings.
  20. Has he outlined the vetting? I am hoping it involves questions cross referenced and an eyeball camera.
  21. Then what was it? Enlighten me. Should be pretty clear how it fit with the comments at the time. Was a statement.
  22. Well I remember only that Malaysian lady Quistina? - but she didn't stand test of time.. and Lady Crimson We'll always have oby.
  23. Fox is the best I can find (while sneakily using mobile at work) http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/12/clinton-campaign-spokeswoman-takes-shots-at-catholics-evangelicals-in-leaked-email-exchange.html
  24. Who said that was an attempt to enrage? Seems fairly easy to do anyway, what with your past ranting on being oppressed on a game forum someplace. But it is a fairly fitting description, right down to the superfluous sentences. Forum hard man on the field, clearly. Some new leaked emails as well, apparently a staffer was insulting Catholics and Evangelicals. Though saying some RCs engage in a bastardization of the faith isn't wholly inaccurate, I guess.
  25. Well fair amount of overlap with the usual qualities an Obsidian forum member has.
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