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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. That data-trawling app, I think.
  2. http://thehill.com/policy/finance/314991-trump-team-prepares-dramatic-cuts Always wonder what hair Republicans have up their ass over PBS.
  3. We need the hot chicks thread back. At least the wanking in there would be for a better reason than here.
  4. You really should apply for work at The Sun.
  5. And every weakness must be culled. Oh you guys.... I know we're talking gaming but I feel the need to drop some unsolicited wisdom. Love, irl, is a definite strength. Case in point.
  6. Love is a weakness.
  7. Yep, you're a sucker I gave near 300 and feel ripped off
  8. We desperately needed another garbage thread?
  9. Yeah I will pass as well.
  10. Thought we were aiming for the zenith of passive aggressiveness.
  11. His sentence was 35 years. Arguably he should've been put to death for treason, "aid and comfort to the enemy". And? How is this sending a message it was OK? Ok means no punishment is warranted and not like Manning had it easy in some country club prison.
  12. How is it OK when he was in jail for 7 years?
  13. Forgot the reasons why everyone said he was at risk of death, will check it later. Still served a decent amount of time and wasn't exactly treated nicely over that time, so he still got some punishment.
  14. Mostly a day of cleaning, boring, but eh. Also, here's the group photo
  15. Who says they are evil?
  16. Hahahahahahahaha.
  17. Kind of funny to read that given how many "lefties" have solid work here.
  18. I have a Tux. University bookstore had one, grabbed it for $10 or so. Even has a badge!
  19. Actually have 22. Huh. I just like them. Next time I vacuum them I'll take a photo (then you can all laugh at my ancient Episode I comforter )
  20. 15 now. Running out of shelf space for them
  21. Got another stuffed penguin. Just need a name for it.
  22. Even 3? Ending drama aside, I found it to be the least enjoyable. I'd say 2 has it beat for boredom.
  23. WoT is meant to be a den of hatred and spite.
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