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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Bah, France was disappointing. Would rather the damn English win this over the Americans
  2. Redbox is still around, no ? Maybe there's something to that "ownership is dead" preaching.
  3. France - Germany final would be nice. Shame Japan went out, always like watching them play
  4. Finished Long Shot, wasn't too bad. Certainly was interesting to read the guy's path from Iran to fighting in Kobani, some funny moments as well. The one that sticks with me is whe he overhears the following on the radio ISIS Soldier : We need assistance! ISIS Commander : God is great! ISIS Soldier : Yes, I know God is great, but we need help urgently! Certainly is something absurd enough to believe out of a warzone. Is naturally some overstated praise of the Kurds, as well.
  5. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-06-27-dont-expect-games-to-be-cheaper-on-google-stadia
  6. You could try to make one and find out.
  7. Bah, how could you find that story grim ? You get to let two guys get butchered, literally, twice! Great fun. Shame they couldn't make injuries permanent in fights - felt off to smash a man's tibia and then have him kick you with that same leg.
  8. Feel sorry for English in that conversation.
  9. What if they email you saying the hookers have you on film ?
  10. Only get lazy spam such as "We are Bank of America. We need to verify your details, please fill out form below Card No. : Name : PIN : "
  11. Maybe Warren ?
  12. What comment though ? Was a question, someone who watched it had mentioned it to me, found it a pretty funny example of politicans being so - so not really a male or female thing. Can see what is essentially pandering being evelled at anyone though, I guess politicians are a group everyone equally distrusts, heh,
  13. Proof that baseball is a terrible sport, there. If you can watch it along with a debate.. Missed most of it, but heard Gabbard was waving her uniform about every chance she got ?
  14. They need to ethnically cleanse the Bogans.
  15. Which left leaning subs do that ? Seems all I've ever seen on Reddit has been just garbage spewing and insularity rather than serious calls for violence, doubting this is the case for T_D as well. Ah ok, apparently this r/chapotraphouse does.
  16. Meaningless really, but certain panties are getting in a twist over this - so there's comedy.
  17. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/06/26/pro-trump-message-board-quarantined-by-reddit-following-violent-threats/?utm_term=.9382d681d18a Funny that subreddit getting policed would make the news, hah.
  18. SSD with all my games just upped and died. More annoyed that I lost my FM2018 save than anything else. But having to redownload stuff like WoW, D3, Overwatch...oyy..
  19. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/20/us/eddie-gallagher-navy-seal-trial/index.html?no-st=1561139939 SEALs will end up like the Canadian Airborne some day with the way they seem to operate.
  20. Looks like NoScript and not letting anything run on that page does it. Apparently a script called "dock-gateway" may the the critical one, but I didn't see that.
  21. Did they ? Seems like people inferred a hell of a lot and did that to themselves.
  22. Found my notes on an old Civ 4 save (that I made for some reason...) where I managed to depopulate the Middle East and Northern Egypt with constant warfare - cities' shrunk from 23 pop to 1 with constant changing of hands, drafting, etc. - so tempted to pick that back up as d3 is causing me wrist pain.
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