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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. It's been going the wrong direction for expansions on end ? Thought Legion was well liked. Well as much as that braying fanbase can like anything.
  2. "Night of the blond knives", hah.
  3. Someone in costume liked Serpico I see
  4. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/07/tech-firms-can-and-must-put-backdoors-in-encryption-ag-barr-says/
  5. I'll be playing it. People over-lionize vanilla, pretending that it required great intellect or some form of Internet Sisu to succeed in it. I may go on a PvE server, I spent 12-13 years in a PvP nightmare so I've paid my dues I'd be ok to use you all to get me raid gear - I mean play with you guys in a guild.
  6. Rutger Hauer https://variety.com/2019/film/news/rutger-hauer-dead-dies-blade-runner-co-star-1203278050/
  7. I dunno, they look cute and they tend to have big personalities, I would go for a basset hound but the idea of a similar attitude but in a 60lb package is impractical for my family. Nothing will come close to William's though, somehow we managed to instill or encourage a god complex in the dog. I think generally dachshunds all are pretty arrogant but is part of the charm. I will recommend we name the male J.C. . As I said before I wish to say "My wiener is augmented"
  8. Looks like we'll be getting two new dachshunds this week or next, a male and a female. So need to accelerate the picking of names for them.
  9. Also nostalgic over Gunship 2000 and F-117A Nighthawk. Latter was very useful for teaching me Russian geography and also how best to evade an SA-11. Well and also absurd things like an F-117A blowing multiple Su-27s out of the sky. Ah the days when you needed keyboard overlays.
  10. https://www.newsweek.com/afghanistan-president-clarification-trump-kill-10-million-people-1450709
  11. Fair enough about it meaning what you want is delayed, well as long as you keep away from something like the jihad mentality people had after Diablo Immortal. Idiots hyped themselves up then somehow feel betrayed, pft. I see game developers trying something new is fine, even if it doesn't appeal to me - it is different from a series changing from what it used to be (I still harbor bitterness over what they did to R6, for example). And yes, hope is but the first step on the road to disappointment. But I prefer your quote, need that for a poster on my cubicle wall.
  12. Why would it bother you in the first place ? It's just not a style of game you're not interested in, no ?
  13. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-twitter-the-squad-racist-justice-stevens-congresswomen-border-a9015936.html Keeps tossing those flashbangs. Wish he'd try harder with the insults though, it's like stuff you get from 10 year olds in an FPS.
  14. Moment of Silence sure moves slowly sometimes literally as the PC takes an age to cross the screen. I do like the PC mentioning stuff I have no clue about, like his boss' wife's insomnia. Still, setting does seem somewhat interesting, sort of like how Stark was in TLJ. I'm anticipating this becoming far worse.
  15. People can't just ignore a troll.
  16. I thought British had a healthy protest culture.
  17. Wasted day but at least got a good sleep. Was funny to see Discovery Science show Make it to the Moon while Discovery showed some lunar landing conspiracy show...and History showed Ancient Aliens.
  18. Eh, opened with the very depressing tale of the firefighter and his wife. The monologues seem a bit disjointed, but isn't too bad.
  19. Will be both.
  20. People just love to drop the hammer.
  21. Well, he said "you", your stuff is another story...
  22. Man sets fire to Kyoto Animation office, kills 33
  23. True enoyugh on it being easier and the stealth role in PR, had just figured that this is likely to be as much as the first one was marketing and the F-35s the new hotness that they'd have those as that is the next in line for the USN.
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