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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. People can't just ignore a troll.
  2. I thought British had a healthy protest culture.
  3. Wasted day but at least got a good sleep. Was funny to see Discovery Science show Make it to the Moon while Discovery showed some lunar landing conspiracy show...and History showed Ancient Aliens.
  4. Eh, opened with the very depressing tale of the firefighter and his wife. The monologues seem a bit disjointed, but isn't too bad.
  5. Will be both.
  6. People just love to drop the hammer.
  7. Well, he said "you", your stuff is another story...
  8. Man sets fire to Kyoto Animation office, kills 33
  9. True enoyugh on it being easier and the stealth role in PR, had just figured that this is likely to be as much as the first one was marketing and the F-35s the new hotness that they'd have those as that is the next in line for the USN.
  10. Ciaphas Cain would be better
  11. Pushing my LF pally from 65 to 120, or at least 110. Sort of strange to run through old zones, doing quests and remembering my doing of them 12 years ago. Hellfire is indeed a dreadful zone visually, but the music and feel is still pretty cool. As I'm levelling a tank, I will have good dungeon queue times but tanking can be an annoying task (granted, we can still faceroll our way through leveling dungeons)
  12. Over Republicans ? I would think they'd be ones to do it, if one had to. Always seem to get off on dropping the hammer on people, add that to the uniform worship (then again, 9/11 probably made this worse) and seems pretty likely.
  13. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49028346 Probably claimed he was violent, but just playing what the people want
  14. Yeah, flying mounts. They've locked that away behind grinding achievements since WoD, I believe, as people complaiend it ruined the game (WoW players say everything does though). Not too hard a grind, took me 3 weeks of half-assed grinding that wasn't overbearing. Portal was not, being begged constantly to port people too lazy to even come to you for it.
  15. Realized that if I skip my daily stand up call I don't feel depressed at work. Little things have major impacts indeed
  16. Got flying in WoW, playing alts is a bit easier (and invasions are much easier now - XP's not as sweet as the Legion ones though). Planning to start the new raid in LFR at least, which will be interesting and unpleasant.
  17. Unnecessarily long as always. Still, is entertaining to watch this unfold. Not sure this generation is an 'embarrassment', though, certainly doubt companies will find that much with the money they're making.
  18. It's policy caused by the powerful Online Moderators Lobby to make work for their members.
  19. "Re-imagining classics" is overly charitable phrasing.
  20. Yes, SVGA.
  21. Needed more boobs
  22. https://www.businessinsider.com/lindsey-graham-calls-aoc-and-colleagues-communists-anti-semitic-2019-7 Graham delivers as usual
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