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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, you have my sympathies, suppose I should not have been so flippant in my post so apologies for that.
  2. Hopefully said person is dead or in jail for a good long time...else it might still be you. Still though, that's pretty messed up.
  3. Toni Morrison
  4. Multiplayer games are to blame.
  5. Finished Voices from Chernobyl. Good read, was nice to put names at least to the event and was interesting hearing perspectives on it. Certainly was depressing to read the tales of the kids in Belarus affected by it. Now have some 40k novels to knock off, while I look for something interesting.
  6. Still grinding along through Moment of Silence. Game has some weird design or at least it feels so to me with respect to the movement, dialogue trees. Borders of some screens isn't really clear and can end up snapping back and forth between two perspectives. Main character runs slowly too and the travel's pretty tedious. Dialogue also works very weirdly, find myself talking to characters about new things apropos of nothing at all or mentioning people that have never been introduced. Glad I paid under $10 for this, even if the setting is interesting and I like the backgrounds.
  7. Seems straightforward enough, they are catching heat for having a very unpopular customer and not a good hill to die on.
  8. Well, technically it might have - Dayton shooting had cops on him in under a minute. But he still killed 9. Seems somewhat strange to consider 'acceptable' levels of homicide and amateurs with guns are of dubious value in some situations - a lot may shoot each other in the confusion. Also consider that that stance seems to push for universal armament which is probably going to kill more due to road rage :P
  9. Cloudfare put a bullet in 8chan's head. - https://new.blog.cloudflare.com/terminating-service-for-8chan/ Time to check usual places for fruitless and raging arguments about free speech. Well, ok, will save that for working hours.
  10. Eh, probably something more than just political reasons
  11. If you want a laugh
  12. 20 dead. Took him alive too, sort of a shame.
  13. I've missed you Volo
  14. Usually they get the developer to preserve the facade or something here, so sale goes through still. Certainly is something to be said for your city retaining older buildings.
  15. Dwarves in Space ? Volo is missing out.
  16. Reminded of that quote from Green Mars - “That's libertarians for you — anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.”
  17. Well, if she manages to make them stop churning out CoD mil-porn games....might be worth her being elected
  18. Shame she didn't say something "the rising threat of Chaos"
  19. You should listen to the Max Payne soundtrack instead
  20. Huh, that Bellular wanker is doing non-WoW stuff now ?
  21. https://www.vg247.com/2019/07/29/deus-ex-mankind-divided-sequel-actor-elias-toufexis/ Interesting that they had to do a rewrite of DX:MD.
  22. Now food snobs are packing heat.
  23. Possibly. Certainly is interesting to read opinions on that though and am always skeptical about one administration getting credit when things may have started rolling under previous ones. Even so, that's the suitable level of government to handle it, seems a bit weird to insult a higher one (putting aside how weird it is for a President to insult someone, anyway). In related events, Trump's now in a mini-row with Sharpton. Talk about a fight where you want both to lose
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