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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, garbage will always be with us. Found Jumpjet there, ah, I remember spending so much time playing what was, well is, a stupid game - I spend my time blowing up B-52s and then have to battle a bouncing skull of death ?
  2. Some good ones in here :
  3. Well that was weird, checked GOG about 30 mins ago and saw it as $56.99 USD, now I see it as $39.99. Guess it's not that expensive.
  4. Life in Initech gets better as we are to be slaves to biweekly planning sessions.
  5. All we ever do in this forum is the same stuff over and over.
  6. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/10/thousands-of-dos-games-have-been-added-to-the-internet-archive/
  7. Was wondering what was taking him so long.
  8. Why are you reading the Mail?
  9. Wonder what people would want them to say. Blitzchung got his money though, so that's at least that. Ah right, forgot his comments https://www.pcgamer.com/suspended-hearthstone-grandmaster-blitzchung-responds-to-blizzards-statement/
  10. At last the mask slips. You're all Illuminati.
  11. Fraud Guarantee sounds like a race horse name.
  12. Amazon Can't imagine who would ever wear such a hat though.. It'd be like some guy boasting about his time in the hell that was Operation Urgent Fury
  13. Got my druid to 120, so that's one item off my list, think my EU4 game is off to a better start, looks like the PLC is not going to be utterly useless and have Sweden liking me so have at least some allies to go beat up the Ottomans.
  14. You crazy people having children, seems like too much work :P
  15. Forgot how much I hate YongYea's "content", watching him read articles or Reddit. Epic chiming in - https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/10/09/unlike-blizzard-epic-games-wont-ban-players-for-political-speech?sf110400709=1
  16. Good luck to her!
  17. Didn't say anything was. Just amused at how grandiose they are framing their tremendously safe act as.
  18. Well, will have to see how much actual standing up to them is done, at least for latter seems to be impotent screeching. Wonder if Blizzard would have gotten off easier with just cutting him off.
  19. Been watching Godfrey Ho movies on Youtube...for some reason
  20. Go with the AH-6s, you can pretend you're a D-Boy in Mogadishu every time you go to work.
  21. Pretty much. Blizzard game subreddits are awash with people, ahem, "standing with Hong Kong" by cancelling their subscriptions and so on. Suppose this jihad will fizzle in a bit.
  22. Seems like it's like in other leagues where they ban every political statement rather than deal with the headache of sifting through each cause. English get mad about the poppy and football, well at least recently.
  23. https://kotaku.com/blizzard-suspends-hearthstone-player-for-hong-kong-supp-1838864961/amp Gamers planning to 'boycott' Blizzard over this.
  24. Well he's threatened Turkey with economic destruction if they misbehave (according to his own personal metric....whatever the **** that is)
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