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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. In Volo, veritas.
  2. I've seen some come close to falling, even here in Toronto there are some that list pretty badly - poor tension management I guess. May also be a case of them not keeping the lines clear of branches.
  3. My assassins have failed once more.
  4. Wonder if they've cut maintenance over the years.
  5. Well, will probably be on a sale in a year.
  6. Replaying Witcher 3 as coworker keeps talking about it on Switch. Aerondight is pretty handy for an NG+ playthrough. Think I wil concede defeat on Battletech, maybe will just cheat to get the SP campaign over with.
  7. https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2019/10/28/pge-reports-lafayette-fires-may-have-been-caused-by-its-equipment/
  8. Something really funny about this quote - " “I have never ever said this, but truth is, they got caught spying. They were spying,” said Trump who then added, “Obama.” " Imagining him pausing for a second or two before blurting out Obama's name.
  9. Not quite sure education can handle power tripping or corruption, looking at my well educated managers.
  10. Shill! Trying to beat Battletech again for the third time, but it's getting tedious as every mission is a damned chore or so it feels like. Drop down to fight a lance, another lance reinforces them pretty much on their position so now I have 8 engaged immediately, heh.
  11. Obviously they need bigger budgets. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/mbmkz8/us-military-could-collapse-within-20-years-due-to-climate-change-report-commissioned-by-pentagon-says
  12. But this is probably Patriot all over again, so no worry.
  13. They should first ban cops from shaving their heads and wearing tacti-cool shades. Definitely not Toronto cops. Mother****ers all live outside the city and only care about getting paid. Doing foot patrols is too scary for them.
  14. Feel for the civil servants who have to have meetings with this guy
  15. Hm, suspect they'll make some decent money on it. Gamer jihad aside.
  16. Well don't recall any male MPs causing as much of a headache as JWR did. And no one asked Philpott to wander in like the naive ass she was. Political parties are like mafias, after all. Good article on how our voting system needs work https://www.fairvote.ca/2019/10/22/first-past-the-post-cheats-voters/
  17. Well that won't be work as in on game. Wonder how long it takes to make one of those cutscenes though.
  18. Which line does that ? Memory of TLJ is shot. Reading some supposed leaks and I have to say they are pretty funny -
  19. Never did get this point on how this is misogynistic, any party member causing trouble for the party is asking to get axed. In any event, he's lucky the opposition was weak. Good to see Bernier lose his seat and his party get stomped, though, if just to laugh at his fans.
  20. Doug Ford is the same kind of loudmouth fool as his crackhead brother was, arguably doesn't even have Rob's affability. But he's had somewhat unpopular policies usual Tory cuts to services, etc. (although for some reason they gave deputy ministers a 14% pay increase), and as such he's an anchor for Scheer - reason he's taken a 5 month break and is MIA related to all things relating to the election.
  21. Hm, not sure Trudeau is either of those but he is helped by Scheer having that meshback Ford around his ankle and Singh not really hitting his stride until later on. Minority government being projected for Liberals apparently, will be funny watching Scheer's concession.
  22. Forgot how annoying Finn is.
  23. Canadian election today, have a feeling we may end up with a Liberal minority government, so Trudeau will hang on with NDP support.
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