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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. You're not supposed to point out that you're Sharp_One.
  2. Still stuck on this Liberate Tyrlon mission in Battletech, really hate time limits with this style of game (and the design choices that leave you constantly zerged). Game crashed when I alt-tabbed to check email, so maybe a sign I should just drop this game.
  3. It's not a family gathering if you don't fantasize about murdering some of them at least once.
  4. Hope you all have a good turkey day, means a calm day at work for me. Black Friday deals are pretty uninteresting here, sadly.
  5. Apparently some people want to change the name of Thanksgiving. Must be the same people that keep breaking my builds.
  6. In my FM2015 game Spurs ended up with Wenger, as well as Giroud and Wilshere. Weird things happen in that game. Emery looks like he's getting sacked, shame they can't bring Wenger back as caretaker
  7. Reading biography of Peter the Great, has been an interesting read which is good as this is a tome of a book, hah.
  8. Campbell Lane of Homeworld fame would have been great for that trailer.
  9. Well you have a cool job and a terrible job at the same time
  10. Not even sure how I found that channel in first place but it's informative. Just have to remember to not watch it at work Comments on his videos are generally good too, well unless it involves Rhodesia...
  11. Professional armies means you have standards. He's also accused of firing on civilians so often his teammates were to adjust his sights (they probably should have just killed him in the field).
  12. Russians I guess ?
  13. Only took just over a month or so to go through Senate too. Not really sure what he's crowing about but, I guess the guy has to jerk it every chance he gets.
  14. https://www.wearethemighty.com/articles/this-libyan-mig-shootdown-by-f-14s-was-both-heroic-and-gooned-up Apparently Maverick was in the back on the lead F-14. Wondered what the 'Aw, Jesus' was about.
  15. Thankfully I'm no longer getting videos about random guys whining about how Star Wars/Marvel/Witcher/Star Trek/Terminator have been ruined by $Evil_Group. Now I just get a lot of gun videos - must be all the Forgotten Weapons videos I've watched recently. Good channel by the way.
  16. Broke that mission's back, Mayan Referendum or something in Tropico 6, realize I don't really play politics at all well, hah. Need to work on that in sandbox I guess.. Only 1% of players have actually done so, I guess no one plays the campaign at all.
  17. Sort of sad that there's a base to appeal to that love Gallagher or his type.
  18. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/11/hands-on-with-amds-32-core-64-thread-threadripper-3970x/?comments=1 https://www.anandtech.com/show/15044/the-amd-ryzen-threadripper-3960x-and-3970x-review-24-and-32-cores-on-7nm Hm, should have bought AMD stock.
  19. Well, hopefully they do - could be a good revenue source. RPS sums up pretty much all gaming furor.
  20. I am outraged at this news.
  21. Finally a tricky mission in Tropico 6, as it requires political management which I'm terrible at. Not sure which 4 of the factions to suck up to, I guess Capitalists, Industrialists, Religious and Intellectuals may work - although right now both Capitalists and Communsits love me so may not have to pick one of the pairings, heh.
  22. Was wondering why the hell my Tropico 6 mission was not proceeding...turns out the annoying request from the Broker I ignore routinely was part of the main questline, hah. Those requests are annoying as hell with the same voice lines used over and over and over.
  23. Aard is fun with the chilling effect. Finished Hearts of Stone, let Gaunter eat Olgierd's soul and told him to **** off with his offers. On to Blood and Wine which I enjoyed a lot more. Is nice not having it rain every damn moment of the game.
  24. Have to paint a fuller picture of why people are generally dismissive of them suffering far worse than HK. Then again, these days I am not sure many people know where Chile or Bolivia even are.
  25. Benefits of WFH. Well, if your workplace's culture doesn't have an issue with it. Never understood why it is, face to face interactions are overrated.
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