Well they do so with the US government so that ship has long past sailed. Pretty tame offense on Blizzard's part.
So what do people want Blizzard to do now or just want to wreck the firm?
Well, keep seeing it framed as helping the people of Hong Kong somehow. Certainly is a funny situation for Blizzard here, let the dude say his piece with no repercussions and just take a hit from China and nothing different happens to HK, or punish him and take a PR hit and also nothing different happens to HK.
US Congress members chiming in as well https://www.polygon.com/2019/10/18/20921313/blizzard-hong-kong-hearthstone-us-congress-letter
Not sure if Blizzard has much practical impact on what happens with Hong Kong, though.
Possible, but just sort of expected her to not set the race on the fire or anything with the field as packed as it is and with Warren and Sanders present.
Eh, Mattis' wasn't too bad and he's just giving what he's getting. Heh, still wish I could have read his mind during that first cabinet meeting where the other members other than Tillerson were sucking up to Trump.
What an age, political figures having slap fights on Twitter. Decent enough response, although I'm not sure there's a campaign to eliminate Gabbard with how she's polling and all.
Seems that way. Trump gave a rather funny press briefing today, apparently the US has control of Middle East oil, the Kurds are very happy with the deal.
Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed
Not a bad read, is a bit too rah rah on how awesome Lockheed was - author claims their candidate for the B-2 was superior and only lost due to politics, which I am skeptical of.
Well, garbage will always be with us. Found Jumpjet there, ah, I remember spending so much time playing what was, well is, a stupid game - I spend my time blowing up B-52s and then have to battle a bouncing skull of death ?