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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.newsweek.com/republican-rep-compares-trump-jesus-during-impeachment-hearings-pontius-pilate-afforded-more-1478059 Best bit of all the speeches today. Was one guy, Sensenbrenner maybe ?, who was ranting about Socialists taking down Trump - as a close second.
  2. Sort of surprised Iran Contra didn't undo his Presidency, given how huge a scandal that was.
  3. Well, that was the purpose for all... Granted it is a bit more naked with the needless introduction of crap like the kuncle dragging AT-ATs and the Sith troopers. On the bright side, we're not getting some DBZ esque final battle like the Matrix ended with, so there's that.
  4. Reading Episode 9 spoilers has me wondering what was the point of this trilogy.
  5. Blade Runner added https://www.gog.com/game/blade_runner
  6. Congrats. Your life is now truly over.
  7. Condolences Raithe,
  8. Finished Yesterday. Paid $5 for it and still feel like I overpaid by $20. Well ok, upon reflection maybe too harsh. Sure was a weird experience, not a lot of sound in the game, either by design or just incredibly buggy. Interesting premise though and the flashback bits are interesting - characters definitely are not.
  9. I suggest you read Brian Herbert's Dune books after. Since you seem to enjoy torturing yourself literature-wise
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfsBAPFpMU4
  11. I still hope Scotland leaves.
  12. So I guess the Brexit ridiculousness will keep on. Corbyn gone too maybe?
  13. Laywers attack hospital
  14. Back from Houston, survived United Airlines and at least that part of Texas. Was not bad trip even though only a couple of days. Got to see the Saturn V on display at JSC so that was fun, that campus sure is run down, even the lawns looked poorly maintained. Also got to visit some really nice bakeries, was a Salvadorian and Mexican one. Coming back to Toronto is sort of striking how poorly people drive here by comparison
  15. Odo gone too https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/benson-star-trek-actor-rene-auberjonois-has-died-at-79/2019/12/08/db319e26-1a05-11ea-977a-15a6710ed6da_story.html Also Caroll Spinney https://www.npr.org/2019/12/08/786115746/caroll-spinney-who-played-big-bird-and-oscar-on-sesame-street-dies-at-85
  16. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/472952-trump-calls-trudeau-two-faced Truly a tedious scandal.
  17. Well, Emery's gone. Ljunberg is there for the time being. Who knows how he'll do, hopefully better than Solskjaer (the comments he makes, makes it seem he wants to get fired )
  18. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-11-30-ex-westwood-studios-devs-quietly-announced-a-spiritual-successor-to-command-and-conquer-renegade-this-month
  19. Excellent, beat that mission finally. As is always the case, was easy in hindsight but it did cost me a pilot due to a frigging turrent one shotting my Thunderbolt. So on to the last mission of the game, which means I need to probably start farming assault mechs to adhere to the More Dakka philosophy.
  20. Well true, alt-tabbing can be rough on applications. Battletech sure is a system hog though, eats up more memory than GTA V on my PC. Because I am more stubborn than smart, I will try again, mission needs you to rush to destroy generators, sadly don't have a super mobile mech that won't get pasted by opposition - best I have is the Quickdraw.
  21. You're not supposed to point out that you're Sharp_One.
  22. Still stuck on this Liberate Tyrlon mission in Battletech, really hate time limits with this style of game (and the design choices that leave you constantly zerged). Game crashed when I alt-tabbed to check email, so maybe a sign I should just drop this game.
  23. It's not a family gathering if you don't fantasize about murdering some of them at least once.
  24. Hope you all have a good turkey day, means a calm day at work for me. Black Friday deals are pretty uninteresting here, sadly.
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