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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.pennlive.com/news/2020/01/your-civil-rights-werent-violated-when-you-were-muted-out-of-a-video-game-us-court-tells-angry-gamer.html
  2. Don't blame you for losing interest. But one bright side to this is the Senators having to sit there and be bored to death while they watch the show. Although it seems the supposedly strict rules they are under don't apply as Cruz was on his phone, several of them are standing up and walking around or out.
  3. I have proof that their assertion is incorrect.
  4. Zevon's expressions are also entertaining.
  5. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/remembering-jim-lehrer Jim Lehrer dead
  6. I'd say they've done a decent job of it so far.
  7. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 Maybe more randomly interesting than news, but a website to track cases of the coronavirus outbreak in China. Feel sorry for the nurse in Saudi Arabia who was suspected of Wuhan but ended up having MERS .
  8. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/experimentation.1311555/page-3#post-26183418 Paradox trying out a subscription model for EU4.
  9. Well, there's always Linux
  10. I dunno what slaughter houses you visited but the cow doesn't have an option.
  11. I will make a war game where all that happens is you going on patrol and nothing ever happening.
  12. If there's a new one, title the thread "Humanity on a post of iron"
  13. Work meeting drained my soul so decided to re-watch the Battletech TV show at work. Ah, it's worse than I remember Still, catchy theme song and had a fantastic ending as the freebirth Steiner forgot how bidding works.
  14. He obviously didn't do enough loyalty missions.
  15. Hopefully will get usual suspects bent out of shape. Quick check on T_D funnily has people going on about there obviously being a conspiracy here - I guess DNC Operators carried this out after stealth killing Paddock and planting his corpse.
  16. That'd require Trump to be a different person As expected, some good cosplay at the event
  17. Makes sense then, although I recall it being in his RT, as RT went then CT and then he died. Was still satisfying to get that and then one shot kill an Awesome right after with a head hit with 2 AC/20s. I should replay BFGA2 on a harder difficulty. Although that is doomed to fail as my tactics invariably reduce to keeping my ships compact and just forming a wall of fire. Works great on everything that isn't a Tyranid or Ork (AI doesn't really use bombs, or maybe just not on normal difficulty). Plugging along in WoW, although the invasions as a healer is a no-go so I have to group up with some random people to play. Always laugh at how my WoW guild only had 7 active members back in vanilla and we couldn't do anything but now everyone's gone but we could do stuff now.
  18. Well thanks, I almost forgot that existed!
  19. Pretty funny to imagine what everyone in that meeting must have been feeling, Tillerson comes out looking decent of that. Reminds me of Bowden's recollection of Trump wrecking a water pump based on it being ugly.
  20. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/cyberpunk-2077-dev-team-will-work-extra-long-hours/1100-6472839/ When I read this title was wondering if they expected people to be glad about this or something.
  21. Have had several Bosch washer, dryer and dishwasher and have had good experiences with them and know they have a reputation for being worth the price you pay as the machines are well made and reliable. I know our washer has lasted 10 years and we do an average of 3 washes a day or so, and we're not very diligent with maintaining the machine Likewise with Miele, friend has one and swears that they are quality machines. Granted, who knows if things have changed and they've made things worse. Apparently Speed Queen is well liked too.
  22. Looking at new washer and dryer, wondering how these heat pump dryers actually perform. We wash a lot and if this thing takes 2 hours to dry a load that's just not practical as it bottlenecks the whole process. Anyone here use one ? I assume at least some given the amount of Euros here Sadly my preferred brands - Bosch or Miele - don't make vented ones. Seems only vented ones I can find here are LG or Samsung.
  23. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/preclearance-act-federal-government-u-s-border-1.5429662 Would rather have inconvenient and slow travel than deal with this.
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