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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Tehran '53 set the bar for the whole series
  2. Derek Fowlds died, probably best known as Bernard in Yes, Minister / Yes, Prime Minister
  3. https://nationalpost.com/news/world/fbi-arrests-fugitive-canadian-reservist-after-tapping-into-encrypted-neo-nazi-chatroom Need to build a wall on the northern border.
  4. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-01-16-cyberpunk-2077-delayed-to-september Cyberpunk delayed to September.
  5. Probably would be as a security guard, to be honest, if that were to pass.
  6. The camouflage is also odd, was expecting solid blue or black. But big boys, big toys, I guess.
  7. Playing the new WoW patch. Sort of funny seeing people bitching about just grinding and doing the same things over and over, in a MMORPG. Not too bad, I like the theme of the patch although I find it doesn't really explain the system all that clearly in game. I think I've hit my limit for frustration with playing a non-DPS class with all these things I have to kill
  8. Hah.
  9. I'd be Peter Gibbons, rather than the Michael Bolton I am now. Peter had a nicer wardrobe.
  10. Too bad, you were written by Bethesda.
  11. I guess they weren't going in hard on everyone else ?
  12. Seems about right for those three. Carlson sure is odd, when he was on CNN I just recall him being like a young Novak, just a GOP backer. Maybe Stewart really messed him up and made him go into a full crank
  13. Seems a pretty tame hit as well. He said something vague enough that is more indicating the US populace is backwards than anything else.
  14. Didn't notice that much torture porn in the second game, was funny how Lara became Sam Fisher though :P Making a concerted push to finish off Tropico 6, on the last mission. Probably will **** it all up when they need me to play politics as I always seem to be able to just make everyone happy enough rather than push certain groups. Played some Battletech now that I can wield the Steiner Scout Lance. Last couple of missions have had me with an allied lance so it was a nice 8 v 8 fight rather than the tedious 4 v 12 mechs and vehicles. Also somehow killed a Warhammer when his MG ammo exploded...
  15. Ah, time to read NPR whining about lack of minorities nominated or something. Like clockwork
  16. What would be the minimum income needed for this?
  17. Then that would kill jobs!
  18. Woke up early to an emergency alert about an incident at a nuclear plant in the area, that was fun. Sadly fell asleep so lost productive time.
  19. Well, or their parents. Yeah, I should have said people still believe that Iran planned to shoot a passenger airline.
  20. Got to GR 75 in D3, rather fun with Crusader and the Valor set. As usual Primals are a lie, but that is the gimmick. Back to Disco Elysium, think I need to work on games I bought but never play this year.
  21. It's very, very likely, as it's due incompetence rather their being malicious. Similar situation to the Vincennes, albeit a bit less aggressive by the shooter. Forget if MH17 was down to rebel idiocy but it also seems likely. Doesn't really seem like anyone especially important was on the plane, but it being Iran, you'd think they'd just snatch them at the airport.
  22. Well, perceived conformation, remember this the US we're talking about.
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