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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Once that's done, watch all the doom and gloom articles evaporate. 3 months later than I expected though, but was coming.
  2. Woke up early, Satan sent me Stealth Fighter on TV for my sins. Ice T as a fighter pilot, enough said.
  3. Surprised CIG isn't adding this as a stretch goal.
  4. Seems like it. Was trying to find a command for grep, missed findstr. I prefer the comfort of bash and manpages.
  5. Building a PC these days seems more of a headache than 5-6 years ago, at least being concerned with QA issues.
  6. Being unnecessarily annoyed at Powershell and its needlessly descriptive names for commands.
  7. Not wholly convinced, but Russia's got to be low on equipment now. But that just means they'll dig in and things go nowhere, maybe? And for a bit of a laugh
  8. Israel will probably go assassinate some other IRGC official. Good to know the US holds the leash, although I could see Biden caving and sending Israel help if they do decide to bomb Iran.
  9. Russia is due to run out of tanks in a year, so probably won't be needed any way.
  10. Iran attacking Israel now, drones for now, probably missiles next. Fun times. Netanyahu must be happy
  11. He must make it to the Ultra Spice
  12. Only book I have returned to the library the day I got it, got so upset I felt like destroying the book.
  13. Things have weights. Telling you me you are for expanding public transit but are for building it with slave labour isn't going to fly, to use an absurd example.
  14. That is fair. I guess the battle where Rakis gets wasted isn't necessary to show (this was a bother to KJA/BH for some reason).
  15. Restarting that now, forgot how much I like Bellonda (BH and KJA's handling and killing her off in their books is a small reason they can both get ****ed). Book 5's ending seemed very rushed. My paperbacks are indeed shoddy as well, half of book 5 has Paul referred to as Maud'dib, then switches to Muad'Dib. And in book 6 one page has "Honored Matre" replaced by spaces. I get a kick of defective books, favourite example was a Warhammer 40k book that had 6 pages from a different book entirely inserted into it.
  16. https://www.theverge.com/24121523/dune-3-denis-villeneuve-legendary-messiah
  17. Yes. But they're not showing me combat footage, or if they do I only watch it if its not going to be some gory stuff. These days I don't even bother, although watching ERA work is always interesting to see so I look for that.
  18. You probably could. Not much insight in knowing some FPV drone blew a guy apart somewhere. Equipment losses can give you a sense of priorities or potential pushes I guess. While people are dying there not that gory. Some people really seem to want to watch snuff films and truck out some excuse that they don't want to flinch from reality or some other edgy nonsense. Good test of that is how they react to their team getting killed, heh.
  19. https://www.politico.eu/article/the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-of-the-ukraine-war/ Sort of a strange article. Hopefully either side whacks this guy at some point.
  20. Still working my way through Caesar 4. This isn't very challenging. Combat in this game sucks, wish they'd kept it simple like C3. But at least my cities are pretty, still not sure of best layout, at least for equities. Patricians needs insane space for entertainment and such. D4 PTR is pretty fun I hear, so am going to try that.
  21. Border guards going to be busy.
  22. Joys of turning off a process that takes two hours to restart by accident. Fun day
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