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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I can't wait for this war to get the Hollywood treatment.
  2. Been a while but I don't recall it actually working. Was some feel good BS spread by non-Ukrainians, from what I recall. There's a continuum of propaganda, doesn't matter blue or red team, ranges from stupid to clever. It's died down here, pretty telling, but boy was it annoying as hell in the first months, reporters blathering "Slava Ukraini" Speaking of such, David Axe of all people with this article - https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/05/27/the-sukhoi-apocalypse-might-be-a-myth-ukraine-claims-it-shot-down-seven-su-25s-but-theres-evidence-for-just-two/?sh=83e20283da1d Probably same applies for huge number of Su-34s suposedly downed earlier this year.
  3. No they don't care because it's Africa. Surprising amount of people think the entire continent is like Congo circa 2000
  4. Like the Ghost of Kiev.
  5. Her channel is nice, came across people claiming she's some FSB operative..based off a video of a pickup artist in Odessa, heh. People OD on propaganda, I guess.
  6. https://news.sky.com/story/joe-biden-partially-lifts-ban-on-ukraine-using-us-weapons-in-strikes-on-russian-territory-13145668 Interesting change, but not far enough for Ukraine, I guess. Realities of when both your arms belong to someone else heh.
  7. Going to be fun watching right wing spaces tonight
  8. Sweden donating some AEW&C planes, they'd need those for F-16s.
  9. I think people would be ok with sending Lindsey to The Hague.
  10. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/28/spying-hacking-intimidation-israel-war-icc-exposed Lot of money burned there.
  11. Well, was from AFP, not exactly WarMonitor, so figured it was ok.
  12. Guess things must be going rough for Ukraine, I guess conveniently is all the benefactors' fault. Can't really see Kharkiv as the impetus for this, RF has been doing more damage via air raids and such for a while. I assume all the big talkers in the Baltics and Poland will now send some as well.
  13. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-attack-rafah-tent-camp-draws-global-condemnation-2024-05-27/ Is amusing to see people that see nothing wrong with this, totally Hamas' fault.
  14. Was a great IM tool, still recall my UIN, sadly 8 digits so not cool
  15. Doing the Pandaria Remix even in WoW, is nice to be a little bit OP, although not as much as I'd like. Raid bosses getting dropped in 30 seconds by LFR morons is pretty ideal though.
  16. I guess is a precedent, not like the US - the one they're really begging - is going to cave on that pressure.
  17. And right on cue the Russians bombed a store.
  18. "We can't say that all the missiles missed" but yet it is embarrassing, heh. FB, the guy people quote at least when it suits them. claims 5 out of 7 intercepted. Ah, had thought this was old news, but was not a T-90M that was in the US a year or two ago. Not sure it's really that big a deal.
  19. F-16s are that big of a game changer ?
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