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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Press Reset was underwhelming, working game development can suck. Wow, great insight, Schreier. Ah well, should not have expected too much. On to :
  2. Never buy Early Access games.
  3. Yah. I can see some people wanting to copycat him next there's a protest or riot or whatever and things get worse. All the BLM people need to do is bear arms as much as the law allows, not only would be a deterrent to Bronson wannabes, but sure would be a lot of cops around then Don't think it'd be that bad going forward with people abusing self defence to go kill someone (like the ones that ran down and killed Arbery)
  4. Rittenhouse acquitted as I expected. Hopefully the idiot doesn't repeat his actions.
  5. Communists coming for Christmas.
  6. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/software/winamp-prepares-a-relaunch-new-beta-version-almost-ready/ The llama's ass is ready
  7. Is there armour for the camel ? Sorry the TactiCamel
  8. Alpha Prime is torture to play through, enemies take too many shots to kill, the main weapon to use has a 28 round mag and it seems to require about half of it to kill one enemy. Helpfully the enemies always follow the same path around an area to shoot you though. Also, instantaneous reactions makes entering a room pretty challenging. Has the base of a good game though. I do like how they have the Arma 2 soundtrack in the game, too.
  9. Some day they'll work on the match engine.
  10. Playing Alpha Prime. Not an enjoyable experience, even if it has the same two VAs I keep hearing in games related to BIS - one is the guy that does Cooper in Arma 2 and the other is the guy from Alternativa (and I think Kerry in Arma 3)
  11. Nope, can still log in. That's about the only thing we do reliably quickly, terminate people
  12. Realized I haven't spoken to anyone on my team in about 8 work days. Wonder if everyone got fired or something.
  13. You're a funny guy. Will kill you last. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2590/Alpha_Prime/ Or play that, you will still feel ripped off.
  14. Misread Odlum as Odium. Need to increase the font size here.
  15. Hateful man.
  16. GAD ?
  17. Gnesa was better
  18. Yes. There are many examples of this.
  19. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/report-alleges-activision-blizzard-ceo-bobby-kotick-hid-knowledge-of-misconduct/1100-6498073/ Wonder if Kotick will get the boot from this
  20. Probably have better a hot chicks thread there too.
  21. It's not that bad, eventually you learn who to ignore - i.e. like 98% of the userbase.
  22. Then modders would add boobs.
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