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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Surprised to find out it wasn't running off Unity.
  2. Think it'll be better than 3 ?
  3. https://www.thebeaverton.com/2021/12/unvaccinated-toronto-police-officers-on-unpaid-leave-told-that-if-they-wanted-paid-leave-they-should-have-shot-somebody/ "Over one hundred uniformed members of the Toronto Police Services who have not been vaccinated have been placed on unpaid leave after being informed they did not meet the brutality requirement to access paid leave. “I want to emphasize that the vast majority of TPS members did fulfill their duty by getting vaccinated or committing acts of violence against unarmed members of the public,” stated Police Chief James Ramer in a press conference. “The reputation of the Toronto Police remains intact.” While some unvaccinated members of the TPS who were placed on unpaid leave did try and upgrade to paid leave by beating, maiming or murdering civilians, Chief Ramer pointed out that paid leave is only provided to officers who get caught."
  4. If they used agile they would not have had that problem. Always had trouble with Vader's reasoning at least from TESB alone, if they come out far away, Rebels don't see them, but I have to assume they would spot them anyway on approach.
  5. The Empire obviously has no OSHA equivalent. Suppose though nothing can be done, kids will still decide to go shoot people due to being nuts, edgelords gone too far or incels or whatever. Not like guns are going away in the US.
  6. Question is, why not hate. Grinding along in KBAP, finally unlocked Sheterra. Really wish I didn't, can't fly over everything.
  7. Hmm, possibly. Can see a shotgun being effective at calming situations down, if years of bar fights in TVs have taught me anything. As for wanting a lethal conclusion, eh, if the cops killed him justifiably or he offed himself, would be cheaper in long run and some people are worth tossing in a ditch (like anyone associated with dogfighting, for example). But him in a cell for his whole life is acceptable. Parents also may get charged, seems they got him the gun on Friday and I guess show no control over the weapon. Can still beat them to death with it. Hitting someone once can open the flood gates of anger. So that's probably a risk. I guess the best weapon to maintain order is to threaten them with Gnesa.
  8. This post brought to you by Raid : Shadow Legends and NordVPN
  9. Just give the teachers a sawed off, in that case. That'll settle the kids down right quick
  10. Until the shooter wears a gas mask, chooses a time when the hallways are full.
  11. What was it in Star Trek ?
  12. The real tragedy is that people still play baseball in the 31st century.
  13. 75% of my family can get a booster, luckily they have the mass clinics still working, my expendable self has to wait until February or so
  14. Found some royal snakes, also got one dragon. Not that useful by itself. Being able to fly has made exploration so much easier, as I can scout out the are first. I have to say I hate those fights with the gremlin towers
  15. Only applies to the ones in the south, I think
  16. Yes, have seen them and Paladins as units to get, can't access them though looking at the islands I can reach. Not all that bad going though, I just need to go into fights with Strong or Very Strong enemies with more rage I think. Still have Sea Dogs as a viable unit, shame Resurrection isn't across all of my units.
  17. https://www.theverge.com/2021/11/29/22808199/cd-projekt-gog-losses-restructuring-earnings-2021
  18. Lost all my Sea Dogs in KBAP, amazing AoE in the fight to kill the lizardman who overthrew the legitimate King. Think I've used them all up can't find more anywhere, bah.
  19. Back to King's Bounty Crossworlds, making progress, think I'm on the Rusty Anchor island having cleared out most of the earlier ones. Army is mostly pirates, heh, oddly for a Paladin
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