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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Missing a photo of the "playground" some of the ones in my city look like prison yards, chain link fence, asphalt concrete.
  2. Good thing billionaires have poorer people sticking up for them.
  3. Average one spending their time moaning about SJWs or "free speech", usually is, but that's just a subset. Rather large one, but still a subset.
  4. I don't think we need game that attract a wide audience - what else can we be elitist about?
  5. Playing more Overwatch, almost intentionally playing badly just to make people rage over voice
  6. Kotaku reaching new peaks of Kotaku-ness with this article.
  7. I'll do you all one better. I don't even like RPGs.
  8. Our multiple choice in University docked you marks for wrong answers, was interesting way to do it.
  9. Eh, playing with others is overrated.
  10. Well, no skin off my nose either way. But will root for it being garbage just out of spite.
  11. I should spend more time playing Arma 3, Think I've worn Arma 2 to death with the mission editor, although it is funny to watch the AI do such random things.
  12. More glorification of mercenaries, pfft. But looks good, hope it sells well.
  13. Have you invested in a good pair of boots ?
  14. Maybe I will get the LE and replay it. Although, hopefully I can hack the ME2 save so I don't need to scan.
  15. Yah, Amazon. Act 3 already is pissing me off wandering through the jungle with my merc's pathing issues. Have a Valkyrie because...why not. Shelved D2 for a bit, am going back to wasting time in FM18. Whispers of a Machine does not play well with dual monitors or something, I see my cursor still and interestingly the game does not register at all on taskbar, so Alt-tabbing is out
  16. Yep, the scientist girl. His defense to Shepard was basically he couldn't wait 6 months without a chick. Not really sure if Bioware thought much on what they were doing there.
  17. ME2 felt too barebones. Also they gave us Jacob (yes, the black guy whose father abandons him and will cheat on FemShep and knock up his sidechick...) so that's further negatives.
  18. Favourite Metallica song. Oddly suitable for listening to at work.
  19. Then again, would there even be child support in the Federation ?
  20. And a hefty amount of overdue child support ?
  21. All we needed was some Quarian saying "me so horny".
  22. Tried attending some agile cult meeting, they wanted us to develop an Epic to extract a man from under a burning car.
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