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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Apologized for Rwanda as well, good thing all sins are forgiven, heh. Also the fact that the number is inaccurate doesn't matter that much - her reaction to the number is the thing to note. In any case, nothing all that shocking that a high official isn't all too concerned with people.
  2. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/04/bill-clinton-nato-expansion-ukraine/629499/ Clinton on NATO expansion
  3. Sort of the funny thing about this was the Vincennes' crew's incompetence when trying to launch the SAM, 27 times or something, if they'd failed a couple more times maybe the Iranians would have been spared.
  4. The way they're hyping this future Battle of Donbass, I'm expecting it to be nothing much
  5. Just need to remember, wealth is no shield against steel
  6. Zelensky bitching at the UNSC has given a resurgence to people not understanding what the UN Is
  7. Clearly they are ANTIFA pretending to be Trump supporters.
  8. Bruce commented on it and the discussion branched a bit there, heh. So no boogeymen with their narrative, really.
  9. Seems like they want to remove a competitor rather than just get their resources, well and leverage.
  10. Depends on how motivated the Russians are in this scenario.
  11. I hope the barbers return, still one of gaming's greatest moments. Way back when I stitched an mp3 together for it, heh. In actual news, new TR game in works https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/5/23011603/tomb-raider-new-crystal-dynamics-unreal-engine-5
  12. All of that and no leering at Panam's ass ? Pft. But that is cool. I'd get disoriented as hell.
  13. The previous sentence said for the individual case it does depend on what they can do to you, if the nation's going to be invading people (which doesn't have to be tied to a denial of their history) then obviously the approach is to stop that - in practice if the nation they are attacking is important to you, anyway.
  14. Depends on what that person can do to you, generally I would say nothing. For nations, probably holds the same as well, limited set of options - you'll invade or sanction them until they get "educated" ?
  15. Well, don't really have to imagine Nazis on social media...
  16. Darkside Detective's done. The penultimate bonus case is a joke, but the last one was enjoyable - I liked the character just introduced so you can get the guy out of the pool.
  17. Hooray, Murray's back. Well or so I hope at least, Gilbert's always been a bit of a whiner about needing a "true" MI3
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