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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. That really doesn't answer the question. Shame we didn't get a day off here for it though.
  2. Never ever go on any Discord.
  3. That sounds a lot like Obsidian.
  4. Well, made to stand by your country, yes.
  5. What's wrong with Owlcat?
  6. Yeah, I can't wait until they reveal that the 8 part Siege of Terra series actually ends with a 12 part series Bridge of the Vengeful Sprit.
  7. What we really need is a 40k management sim.
  8. Seems true to me from my memory of all the various 40k games. Inquisitor I guess comes sort of close, but it's an ARPG. Otherwise, most are strategy games.
  9. Ukraine taking 60-100 dead and 500 wounded per day, as per Zelenskyy on Newsmax. https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/interpol-warns-of-flood-of-illicit-arms-after-ukraine-war Not all together unexpected, hopefully no MANPADs though.
  10. I'd pick an actor I despise, given said movie would be a tremendous financial disaster.
  11. Finished Crowns and Pawns. Bit of a let down, actually. Rather short, the puzzles aren't anything too bad, I cheated with the statues at the ending. Ending is a total joke though, hah. Probably worth $10.
  12. Hate is the best drug of all, though.
  13. Just a bit of banter, heh. It's more amusing when I see people in Canada gloat about how irreverent the US treats Veteran & Memorial Days compared to Remembrance Day. It's just as hollow here, wear a poppy and fund the drinking club that is the Legion, **** over Vimy Ridge, go back to not caring about the Forces or how veterans are. Work is fun, a process crashed because someone badly misspelled our company name.
  14. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/vladimir-putin-dead-russia-ukraine-27093054 Well, that's something.
  15. Well they can keep the Russian navy away, but in terms of shipping, the Russians still have submarines and their own anti-ship missiles. I doubt any freighter is going to get insurance on that run, anyway
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