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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Forgot the joy of radio call in shows. Dude called in and went on a rant about how tyrannical the Canadian government is and how we'd be better off under fascism. Then said we're under "corporate Communism". Shame the host didn't ask him WTF he was talking about.
  2. Hama fallen to HTS, that was fast.
  3. If they don't understand it, why is it an issue, that's the thing. Really, they should sell anti Woke DLC that removes whatever Woke is this week. Might as well monetize the fragility
  4. Well have to feel Ukraine will be in a better place after the West rebuilds it and rearms it. Not like Russia is going to be in a place to do much, despite the fear mongering
  5. Type A. Being any other way would result in violence from my mother so I learned.
  6. Gives me nostalgia for '04 for some reason. Getting old, keep flashing back to good old days before everything in life went to mediocrity
  7. Trump watching this closely - https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/south-korea-martial-law-1.7399501
  8. The invaders from the west will succeed on the fourth time around. All the fancy US stealth aircraft and long range missile have to be good for something. At least until people start shooting nukes and we all get to see what Threads was warning us about or something. For the people wishing it, that's the usual lazy bloodlust of people online, or people that spend too much time playing "military" games and LARPing. Do get some amusing statements though, have seen things like the SAS/Delta being able to turn back Russian flanks alone, 20 Abrams being enough to rout forces en route to Mariupol. Some people need to experience war first hand, I guess.
  9. Forgot to finish off the Darkside Detective sequel, down to the 2 Bonus (not really sure how they're bonus though). I enjoyed the one where you fix the waiting room counter for the afterlife and a character points out how the plot was wholly unnecessary.
  10. Right wingers complaining about this is funny, given who Trump has pardoned. Guess Dems figure, might as well join them in a race to the bottom. Still think he should have resigned on Nov 6 and make Kamala president for a bit.
  11. Is a neat buff the IDF has, everyone they kill is someone else's fault, really.
  12. Fun day for "OSINT" people, coup rumours to battles in Damascus
  13. Sounds like Ukraine for the past year. Neat parry of the West wanting 18 year olds drafted https://www.kyivpost.com/post/43097
  14. What a strange response to what Gorth wrote. Oh well, all the rebels have to do is yell Slava Ukraini and all is well. Syrian army is embarassing, hopefully the country doesn't go the way of Somalia in the 90s.
  15. Should just make a new thread for the Syrian civil war. I guess now is a good time as any, Hezbollah is recovering still. Maybe Bibi will decide to invade
  16. So are these rebels freedom fighters or terrorists for Blue team ? Seems like they may take Aleppo.
  17. Getting worse now at work, one of our services wasn't producing data for six weeks and no client notices. They are indeed paying for this. Hard to really have an alert for when a process decides essentially, to just stare at its desk and pretend it's working.
  18. Fine, ruin my gun runner fantasy. Work starts off great with some guy wondering why he has high latency connecting to NY from Dehli. I guess to resolve it I should send him info on immigration to NA.
  19. So Canada is supposed to secure the longest border in the world, huh. Well, interesting to see if Canada and Mexico call their bluff, Canada exports a lot of oil to the US.
  20. Lenovo L41 I think. Works well, 64 GB RAM, enough to run AWS Console, barely. Good to know, time to start smuggling into Serbia. First laptops, then AKs, move over Bout.
  21. Got a new fancy Win11 laptop for work, at least the new one doesn't have the DWM die when logging in to VPN or BSoD if I pick it up a certain way. Shame it's in service of this soulless work.
  22. Finally got around to watching Edgerunners , better than my usual 10 year delay from watching shows that were trending. Was enjoyable, nothing amazing, good fanservice interesting how many locations they used straight from the game. Rebecca sure was annoying, rest of characters were decent enough. Adam Smasher's response "Who the **** are you?" to the antagonist giving him orders was the most memorable part.
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