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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Replaying Mass Effect as I got the Legendary edition. Plodding my way through ME1, doesn't really seem like they changed much. I'd still have liked them to add in the mission locations on the galaxy map as a QoL feature, but ah well. My Shepard looks less greasy, as well.
  2. Friendly fire is one of those things that'll never go away. Sort of wishful thinking as well, basically Ukraine will win in August - https://nadinbrzezinski.medium.com/logistics-collapse-945984f5d48e
  3. There was a good quality video of it, but I cannot find it. Here in Toronto, I am not sure what culture they are trying to mimic, certainly have a lot of immigrant groups here that can contribute. I think now they are all into pyro and throwing crap at corners.
  4. Can't compare to NA football ultras....
  5. Hm, he may be on to something.
  6. Well, hopefully those trackers are secure, lest they get blown up. Have seen concerns about the smuggling before, it is a sensible thing to consider. Flood any country with weaponry and there's going to be some. Hopefully no Starstreak taking down a A380 somewhere in the future.
  7. Indeed, only speak of NA as that is where I have experience, plenty reference the Old more than the New. But yes, religious people fall to the temptation to see themselves as the Hammer of God or something (well or just be outright phony scammers).
  8. Yep, although not sure of the relevance. Excitement today was realizing the devs package the release for client A but all the release notes mention client B. Devs really are insulated from client interaction far too much.
  9. Weekend work again, have to remember to log out of Youtube when my friend sends me all her Russian music. But on the bright side, I can more or less sing Любэ - Комбат by memory now.
  10. Putin should buy it.
  11. "I specifically inquired for a summary report on how many Russian missiles hit military targets, and how many engaged civilian ones. For comparison: since the large-scale aggression, there have been 17,314 strikes on civilian targets, and a little more than 300 hits on military targets" I am guessing that included artillery and such. 17k missile attacks seems surprising to me.
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/14/politics/republicans-block-senate-bill-abortion-travel-states/index.html I like the Republican quoted caring about the "right to live".
  13. Trump. Ivana Trump that is.
  14. One of the more creative and amusing explanations was that the cops have been affected by all the BLM protests so that they felt they'd be slammed for using force. Probably more likely that than US cops knowing or remembering Beslan, though.
  15. I think they did, at 25 mins in they have one. Seem pretty lackadaisical with it, but the whole time they seem to be chilling. Even without it, they had a fair amount of guys present at that time. They had training in this situation, two months prior. Guess that stuck. https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/03/uvalde-cisd-police-hosted-active-shooter-training-in-march-that-urged-immediate-decisive-action/
  16. Beats me, just disappointed not seeing more people using the Red Alert soundtracks. Kids these days..
  17. Serbia planning to attack while the EU's weapons are in Ukraine, I see.
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