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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Should just do away with them completely.
  2. What are you supposed to present about it ? Or just a general kind of thing ? Should be pretty easy, just google for Evercrack
  3. Was referring to the non-US folk, but oh well. Coffee and Donuts party all the way.
  4. Decided to give Firefox 4 b7 a go, seems faster than 3. Wonder if it'll eat up 800 Mb of memory after I have about 30 tabs open for 2-3 weeks. The new tab grouping functionality seems interesting as well, should play with that later.
  5. Like Purkake's post.
  6. But yet things go over their heads.
  7. True enough, but http://www.thief4.com/ that makes me believe it might just stick
  8. Malcador


    Korea's got Black Eagles, man. Those squid got no chance.
  9. Can't remember a game that changed it's title in between the public being made aware and release. There was a FPS where you play an angel that did that, but I think it'd be uncommon. Besides the 4 makes it all l337 and hip.
  10. Or maybe stretch them out. We could have Easter Week.
  11. I'm getting better at finding bands everyone else has known about for donkey's years
  12. Never played Thief, but much freaking out over it being third person in THI4F
  13. True, but you can at least hope that a game in a series isn't too far gone from the games before. Dugas presents a problem in that regard, heh. But they've not messed up too much, apparently there's a 'Deus Ex' difficulty setting with less coddling as well.
  14. Well we'll get your feedback on the game, so that'll contrast with the negative-to-begin-with stance as you seem to be pretty positive on the game. I've yet to pay full price for crap - although I'll admit Civ V CE was a colossal waste of money
  15. Well corporations are evil. As for Google being evil, well wait a bit longer.
  16. We need someone who hates the game going in, to get it - balances things out. As for me, meh, waiting for the GOTY and a price drop of $2.50 seems like the best plan.
  17. Soundtrack might be tempting, but hopefully one can extract or just get that. The 10,000 credits at the start though, heh.
  18. I did find something funny when I walked into Mojave last night and talked to the NCR troops. Well I guess they really are an army of one.
  19. Oh well, sorry.
  20. Only DLC I've found somewhat interesting were some of the Borderlands ones. Knoxx and Ned, mostly.
  21. Why? The Obsidianites don't really strike me as the "Day one!11!!" crowd... Did you see the posts earlier in this thread ? Borderline Day one people
  22. One nicer thing about buying it the old way, is being able to return (then again, if you somehow bought a package of games instead of one, you'll have some major issues).
  23. Funniest comment I've seen about Hitler was "He was a great leader, just that he had bad ideas"
  24. Not sure what good that policy does, well other that avoid panty-knotting - my post is deleted for a cracktro of all things ? Bah! it's 8-bit esque audio Two different groups there, that bundle was DRM free so people just downloaded it without paying rather than actually cracking anything. Maybe some of the scene groups think they're doing this to stick it to The Man, though. Ah Iron Lore, that thread post teeters on bitter whinging, but he does make some good points, I found this bit kind of amusing Hard to tell an actual crash as opposed to a copy protection failure, so no wonder.
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