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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Finished Syberia 2, that ending was a bit of a letdown. God damn Hans.
  2. Must be great at sporting events,
  3. Hopefully the Reapers don't get held off until Shepard gets the band of heroes together.
  4. Nah, we're run like terrorist cells. One team has no knowledge of what others are doing, or even what's going on in a regional setting. Hence people end up getting told "Hey, can you..uhh...go to New York for 6 months starting..umm..this afternoon ? thanks"
  5. That's pretty nice of you to do, pretty foreign concept to me. Can't say I'd ever see my managers ever, ever go for that. But then again my company motto is "Blessed is the slave that loves the lash".
  6. Why do we want these "rebels" to win, again ?
  7. Hm, should check those patches out. Something about the game just didn't click with me, not any the "big" stuff either.
  8. M is kinda close to B, though. I think that's true.
  9. Was the person telling you that high ?
  10. Populous too. Heh, wonder where my PCG is with all the "Game Gods" in them. Had Carmack, Newell, etc. but others not -as- big like Roberta Williams, Kroger.
  11. Have to say this weather is something else, 5 C and rainy here. And it's almost May. Hopefully this is a sign that our summer will be cool. Summer '09 was great, no temperature about 26 C, few high humidity days.
  12. How doesn't he believe in democracy ? You can form a government once you have the backing of Parliament. Anyway, I doubt that'll happen. No GG wants to rock the boat especially against the people that appointed them, after all. Dumb Canadians.
  13. Well, they're at least competent then.
  14. Remarkable changes indeed, well at least on FIFA, heh. But at least it's not just roster and jersey changes as much as before.
  15. Still with FIFA 11, played a great game, then the damn thing crashed. Lots of funny stuff though, misnamed player on the commentary, or the commentary being wrong, usual AI cheating - but their tackles and my team's placement makes me laugh. Game must be geared to the English the way the AI barges in all the time, heh. Also not sure who's idea it was to have no handballs, but nuts to that (although you could game that in 10). But still, you have to build up more than in earlier games - even if that's just due to the AI speed cheating 60% of the time.
  16. This came across as creepy for some reason.
  17. Ehh, never really followed a game designer, but there are some whose work I always enjoyed. Schafer, Meier, Holland.
  18. I'll have you know we use 56K modems, not 54K. Also, nice to see Canada didn't go down, thankfully, we went down and to the right.
  19. Last Crusade and MI. Never did get into the Knight's tomb in LC, 5.25 disks got lost in a move. Hmm
  20. Fallout 2 was mine, oddly enough. Was mainly flight sims, C&C and adventure games until then. Alas, I am not hardcore.
  21. Same situation with me. Well barring me doing the mother of all impulse buys tonight or something. As for Triss on the Polish Playboy, well, that's a bit strange to me really. Might lose customers due to such a misogynist practice.
  22. Woo Caesar III. Ah the days of trying to get people close to the factories but not too close.
  23. Not a significant deal for me, but I guess some people might complain.
  24. Even more so when it's an EXPONENT. Fury was the first game to have that no ?
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