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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Having fun with coworkers by not saying a word at all to them. Just nodding if they ask me something or talking to them via email rather than going 4 feet to talk to them.
  2. That was pretty much what I got from what he wrote. Only 300 K though ? Bah. can't even have accidental genocide on a proper scale.
  3. Put more time into EVE. Resource decay on PI sure does suck, but still pumping out coolant. Sadly I have to go to Jita to sell it, which is fun. Luckily I've below 200 MM ISK in cargo, they might kill me if I were over
  4. It isn't though, console versions to follow in a couple of months, no ? Hm, or they had said it was possible.
  5. I like the loading screen. Not a big fan of that inventory style though, while neat that you finally get pockets.
  6. Hm, shame the story depends on the DLC, but eh. Hopefully the returning ones do so in a fashion better than Ashely, heh.
  7. It'd be cool if that was more than just a reskin of troops and vehicles. Still I like the Dark Angels, hmm..
  8. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politi...article1973812/ Gotta love the RCMP Mind you, at least they didn't taser her to death, or slam her to the ground. They're getting better.
  9. Good PR line by their writer, heh. Also, it's getting to be like Volourn.
  10. Pretty much. Alternative is to go postal on them verbally and get sacked.
  11. Did you really just complain about having to walk 10 minutes a day? Nope the walk is 25% of what I used to do to an old job. But it's more the fact that I have to be face to face with bankers, idiot IT people and generic scum in suits for three weeks. At least here, it's just text in an email or a voice on the phone. If only it were our other major client, they're pretty nice folk over there :D One bright side though, it'll be pretty much like Initech.
  12. Well you never know they might have.
  13. They're complaining that NATO's not doing enough to help them now. Heh.
  14. Have to go to a client site for 3 weeks, 10 minute walk from my office. Joy. I get to deal with douchebag suits and **** bank IT staff in person.
  15. I'm replaying and lost count of how many barghests I had to kill in the first chapter alone. At least in this game it makes sense for them to spawn out of thin air. Next up, there's the swamps... and its legions of drowners and bloedzuigers. Luckily the combat is pretty fast-paced or it would become tedious very quickly. Swamps wasn't so bad, eventually you can avoid most of the mobs. Then again I only went there in the day, so maybe that was it. But yeah, there's a fair amount of slashy slashy in Act I, II and V.
  16. Real Internet Men don't use ignore.
  17. Now now, that's uncalled for. He might flounce again.
  18. Ah ok, thought there was something actually in the game other than its platform restrictions that had you turned off it.
  19. Actually quoting me, then using 'you' seemed somewhat indicative. So what's turning you off from playing Witcher 2 ?
  20. I think you've confused me with someone else on the forum. Oh what a way to get back at 'those' people, though, eh?
  21. I moved up from straw, I fight cardboard ones now. Uninstalled the game JUST because of the combat being as simple as it was ? High standards!
  22. I wouldn't say the politics, but Canadians are at best, slightly xenophobic, it seems. Always hear some WASP whining about all these dirty foreigners that refuse to adopt Canadian culture. Which is beer and hockey, heh. Not quite to the level of some BNP-esque party, but getting there
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