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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Why not, they can be drunken Feydakin.
  2. That's a pretty nice office.
  3. I'm merely interested in this game, so I've no problem waiting a year if need be. Enthusiasm is another level, that was the reason I pre-ordered Civ V (yeah, big mistake that turned out to be, heh). While you're not going to get a review made by a clone of yourself, you can use the varied criticism to predict how you'll enjoy it by sifting through the praise/complaints (AP had good reviews for story and the consequences, for example). LPs are even better for this purpose, at least for shooters and adventure games in my experience. So, it is worth your time not making an emotional or impulse buy and waiting for feedback, rather than gamble $60. It's not even that long a wait, if you're some fanboy of the game and HAVE to have it, feedback for well pimped games is available pretty quickly, maybe give it a week or two. Not going to kill you. So far I've done that with NV and DOW2 Ret, both I was tempted to pre-order but decided to just wait for reviews here and elsewhere (the latter was elsewhere because you all suck ).
  4. Well yes it was, they got suckered in by that free stuff. Not that paying for it after is smart, either. It's just a wiser move to just wait for a game to come up, generate enough volume of feedback. Even wiser to just wait for the GOTY Edition being on sale for $30.
  5. Well he's right, only idiots pre-order a game, so easy there. Never played any of their ports, but still is funny to read they're outsourcing the PC version, sort of. Anything that increses the pessimism is good though Stupid people can still be used.
  6. http://www.law.com/jsp/cc/PubArticleCC.jsp..._Copyright_Case
  7. Playing Blood Money, latest goal is to cheat, but attempt to kill everyone by making them bleed slowly to death. If you shoot them in the gut or so, they roll on the ground and scream for about 5-6 seconds before expiring. So far, 28 is my highest.
  8. For Somalia, best solution might be to make it some sort of live fire practice range, with targets that shoot back.
  9. Don't stop there, break the disc. And maybe kneecap Dugas. Hm...that'd be a good game if it were your 3 man Space Marine squad fighting off a Tyranid invasion in the form of Mexicans. I was wondering when the US Army would respond to this Mexican division storming their city, but never materialized.
  10. Well, playing dressup worked for the FO3 crowd.
  11. So the NYPD is in the game? Sweet.
  12. Should definitely play Raven Shield / Athena Sword then, best of the bunch.
  13. Next iteration.
  14. Well some work 50-60, other just do 42-46 or so. I normally do 50 and maybe 4-5 on the weekend, but at least 5-6 hours of that is just hanging out here due to Peter Gibbons' Syndrome.
  15. God, why would you play that crap ? The fact there's a frigging boss level in a supposed R6 game took the cake, heh. Did you play Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear or Raven Shield ? As for me, well having fun with spreadsheets for EVE. Trying to determine what to make from PI, but my old bet of coolant dropped off. It IS POS (player owned station) fuel, but everyone's in it and corps make their own. Joys of market research.
  16. Well at least one person loves it already
  17. DNF MP has CTB Heh, I can see that going doing well
  18. It's a forgiveness feature, don't fret too much about it.
  19. Hm, I'll have to re-read his post again, pretty sure that what he was joking at. Well aware of that, just read the funny labels thrown around on the official forums, particularly by the optimists, heh (one actually tossed NMA in there somehow, kinda cool). Speaking of which An idea of the times, if anything.
  20. You joke, but no matter what that complaint will be made. I don't think a dislike of health regeneration equates to that. I miss the old RSE games for that, limb damage being in effect for an entire mission.
  21. I wouldn't put that as one reason for immaturity of the industry. Plenty of corporate positions expect that of the workers (coveniently, not management, heh). My current position is like that, I guess you do get something out of it, thumbs up and the EOY review or something along those lines. Almost all of my developer friends are still in a similar situation, varying degrees though but generally it seems we're all working over 45-46 a week. Hm, I feel kind of bad for leaving a former company's entire financial report on a park bench.
  22. So Shepard will suborn one Reaper, then have him become leader of all reapers then unite with the Alliance to defeat the Great Enemy. Hmm..
  23. Had some random **** drive up and laugh at the fact my dachshunds are "weiner dogs" and that "man I wish I brought some buns" . Then gets upset when I tell him he's unoriginal and is wasting my time. Hate this new neighbourhood, hehe
  24. Yeah, like all the other modern FPS that use third person... wait, what? Well they put that in Vegas, so I guess it's just a designer's use of sense. But cover systems are cool for people, or something.
  25. Well it's nice to be skeptical or cynical considering the percentage of pre-release talk that is total BS. And they've ****ed up a sequel before, why not this time. Shame there's that cheating cover system though, magically see around corners, but eh, is a modern game so it needs it.
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