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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Cleric is named Ephrael. Shame, not many well known women in 40k with cool sound names. Oh drat, I should have used Sabbatine.
  2. I guess you can grief people, on some Rifts. I'll roll a cleric too, not sure of the name yet.
  3. I had thought the dwarf was making that stuff up. Eh, not a huge deal really.
  4. I liked it, fair bit of micro. Gets boring once you get a system all clicking though.
  5. I'd still hate his voice though, although I do not hear it in a playthrough if I take the measures you've advised.
  6. Looks good. I hate his voice but what can you do.
  7. Apparently so, dev mentioned that on the forums. Looks good though.
  8. Well friended you anyway, and joined the apparent forum dweller group.
  9. Yep, I have a Steam account, ID is Reclusiarch.
  10. I'm 27 and a Guardian. I'm EST though, that's worth noting. I think you guys are all PST ? I'm up to move to a different server though.
  11. I wouldn't call that frequency common. Wonder if that errant patch that enabled a debug mode had something to do with this.
  12. Sony PSN breach
  13. Should make an Obsidian Guild. Well hopefully if there's more then 3 forumites playing I should join a guild before I get tired of being solo on Gnarlwood.
  14. Max is working as private security in Brazil, I think. The Edge did a preview in this month's issue and apparently is very promising (surprise). At least the same VA is doing Max's voice, I'd thought they'd changed it.
  15. Max Payne 3 Screenshots Exciting. Cover system to boot.
  16. Still all being trolled, how sad.
  17. Got recalled from site. Funnily enough that decision was made last week but they forgot to tell me. Ah, Initech.
  18. EVE, plugging along to get an Orca. Also, corp mate has a friend that's the ruler of an alliance (conveniently) that holds a tiny chunk of null-sec. So woohoo, finally get to experience that side of EVE (well other than just getting blown up).
  19. Well you'll still need to guard the supply of heat sinks (mind you, you'd have ammo lumped together with all other supplies so not a dedicated overhead).
  20. So, like every other MMOG then.
  21. Rule of cool, no doubt. Gahh, better get upgrading.
  22. Essentially the same thing from a supply point of view, weapons don't work without external component. Wonder why the heat sinks weren't made to be resuable though.
  23. Doesn't seem like an accusation of anything sinister. Never did get the Valve infatuation but, ah well. I should really get around to playing Portal, if the sequel has got people this excited surely the first game must be good
  24. The Longest Journey. Good game so far, really like the setting. Everyone seems to hate their dad though
  25. Based on the number of people whining over the beer stores being closed here on Good Friday, I'd say no. Was funny to watch the long line of people huying wine, beer, etc after work on Thursday though. Strange.
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