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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Maybe they'll make an option for "hardcore" players.
  2. In terms of annoyance and frustration, I'd have to say take that prize more than anything. I guess they want players more involved rather than sitting and watching, probably a poor decision but not a huge one (and maybe with some merit, friend got bored in Ch 2 with all the political talking )
  3. Likewise . I didn't encounter a lot of similar moments on my playthrough, maybe I missed something or is on the other path.
  4. I liked that quest to find Cedric, they mention Cat in the journal entry. On my Iorveth run now, way different but now I need to go into the blasted catacombs
  5. Well great, another series ****ed.
  6. Well, beat it just now. Well worth the time spent playing (not sure how long but ~30 h). The boss fight at the end sure did suck.
  7. Holy crap, Gaff was a replicant ?!
  8. Tsk, lowbie flaming.
  9. EVE, my alliance claimed a system in 0.0, huzzah. And we got war-dec'd by some corp with 5 people in it, small group but they're decent hunters.
  10. Trap the queen then roll and hit her from behind, maybe ? As for the Specter Oil, think there's some lady in Lobinden that sells it, never got it myself.
  11. Malcador


    Anyone but Vancouver. Damnable Canadians.
  12. Yrden is pretty sweet, the Endrega queen and the big thing in the Chapter 2 catacombs (I forget the name) were pretty easy with it on Normal.
  13. Patch is out - http://en.thewitcher.com/patch/
  14. The comment about it reading like an emorage on a MMOG forum sounds pretty apt. Not been keeping up with NV stuff, but what's going on ?
  15. We must conduct further testing.
  16. New girl at the coffee shop, highlight of my entire work day. Yes it sucks that much
  17. Huh, didn't know that about the luring nekkers. I just abused Yrden to get attacks in on the rear - sort of worked vs Letho too.
  18. Only two albums from this band - I prefer Metalizer, but apparently they're having a reunion this year.
  19. Loving working from home. I can code, and don't have to deal with annoying clients, can wear comfy clothes and don't have to listen to the old guys at work talk about the same crap over and over and over. Huzzah.
  20. Telltale's Monkey Island games did well, no ?
  21. Never played it, so am curious. Why does it make you sad?
  22. Well, depending on the game, the "game" part might be very little. For shooters it works well I find, RPGs and RTS (never seen a LP of an RTS, thinking of it) not so much.
  23. Useful way to get the SP experience for free, on rails games especially. Did that for Modern Warfare 2, worked well.
  24. Witcher 2, finally. Had to go back and play an EE save to the end before I could import it, weird. So far pretty good, although I might wait until winter as the heat from my GPU/CPU is searing my eyeballs when I play. Cursed airflow in this room. Also playing Rift again.
  25. Got PSU. Realize I have no desk space, so will build it on the kitchen table.
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