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Everything posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. Now Kickstarting Project Empathy - A Next-Gen Modern Party-Based RPG (and we DO mean "party"!) Your party will consist of one thousand characters of every race, gender, religion, sexual preference, height, weight, psychosis, smell, taste and shoe size!
  2. I'm sorry you feel that way. Is this why you need to look to videogames for romance?
  3. Perhaps, but I think you and everybody else know precisely what the sentiment means.
  4. What, entertaining inane and irrelevant ideas into a classic cRPG? I certainly hope so too.
  5. You're right. I'm sure its being seriously considered.
  6. Will never understand the thought process behind this. Don't finish the mq if you don't want the game to end. Otherwise, if you have completed everything and there is nothing left to do...what is the point?
  7. Of course your own personal desires do not render it a non-topic. It's a non-topic all on its own.
  8. He's talking about the nex-gen-ification of RPGs. He's asking why you'd want these silly, inane qualities in a classic cRPG.
  9. I already answered this. Some things are relevant to classic IE cRPGs, and some things are not.
  10. Pretty appropriate since that is the ultimate question on the subject isn't it?
  11. Yeah, because "Include things like me! ME ME ME!" or "I want romances in my videogames lol!" are sure signs of maturity.
  12. Because this is supposed to be a return to the classic IE cRPG days, not a real life emulator. Where do you draw the line? "I am extremely ADHD so I want Obsidian to include a ritalin meter (come on, George Ziets!) where I'll go into an "interruption mode" where my character won't let anybody finish their sentences when it wears off. I want this because I have a hard time relating to people in a more appropriate format than videogames."
  13. I'm not sure why they don't just play Second Life if that's what people want. Why expect a cRPG to be some all-inclusive real life simulation?
  14. No, no. I like romance. Romance is great. Just not in videogames. EDIT: +1 for Ziets if I haven't already said so.
  15. Ok, let me find you then. Classic cRPGs were games, not romance simulators. Those of us who've understood the WL2 and PE Kickstarter campaigns want a game, not a romance simulator. The end.
  16. I'm not fooling around. I'm not going to spend any time reading some lame anecdote which attempts to combat my argument by using the very thing I'm arguing against. I also don't really feel like personally insulting homeboy or his girlfriend. Besides, evdk responded well enough to that post already.
  17. You know what...you're right. I hope to someday buy a chess set which comes with options for romance. Sorry, you lost me.
  18. Oh man, yes please. Let's break it all the way down until we get to the "Pong is an RPG" argument!
  19. Yes. And I giggle with glee to think of the massive butthurt when they find out they're not going to get what they want. Just look at the dev quotes at the top of this page. Thank you for reiterating. I was unsure what you meant by "actually support the PE kickstarter". No, actually my memory of that period is quite clear. Once it became obvious that WL2 wasn't going to include such nonsense those against it stopped bothering.
  20. I'm not talking about removing things which Obsidian did well. I'm talking about not including things which nobody does well. A majority of who? People flooding this site? Same thing happened to the WL2 forums during their KS campaign. Once people realized they weren't getting another touchy feely BioWare style game they either exclaimed very loudly and pulled their pledges or simply lost interest. That's true. They're not. Are you saying that A) There has been a videogame which has properly touched on this subject and B) that videogames are even a slightly decent medium to handle these topics? See, that's the problem. Love just seems too weighty a concept for these scenarios. It always comes off as trite: PC: I like you want to kiss? NPC: I want to know you better. PC: Hey, tell me a story! NPC: Story. PC: Now a kiss? NPC: Ok, I love you now! (right-click = touch butt, left-click = touch crotch) And yet another brilliant examination of humankind's capacity for complex emotional relationships! But hey...benefit of the doubt. PS:T did a pretty good job examining weighty concepts. Thing is...it didn't take itself too seriously and it didn't bog itself down with cheap pandering to people looking for romance (and the little bit of it which was in there felt frivolous and unnecessary).
  21. Somewhere between PS:T and Fallout 1&2. I loved that dialogue in the first two Fallouts was affected by your skills and SPECIAL build, yet you weren't always sure (unless you choose the empathy perk) which option was necessarily going to be the best option for whomever you were speaking with.
  22. Just for that I'm going to start one of my own tomorrow.
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