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Everything posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. There is no reason to include them.
  2. Straight or gay, who cares. I just wish people would stop asking or expecting developers to include sexuality and romance in &$%*$@ videogames. Since the game is a game and not a relationship simulator it will never come off as anything other than pandering, contrived and trite.
  3. Guns are in the game. Confirmed. /endthread
  4. None of the above. If you are looking to videogames for a relationship simulation you might want to reevaluate just what it is you're after.
  5. 10-ish hours in, takin' it real slow, lovin' it all so far. Check my observations thread in The Order at NMA if anyone cares. Doubt I'll ever get removed from mod status here, so this will likely be the only post here I make...just wanted to step in and say: Bugs aside, Great ****in' Job guys! Been waitin' over 10 years for another Fallout game!
  6. my favorite was hearing the exact same voice over characters of different ethnicities.
  7. I hope Fallout New Vegas doesn't use Fallout 3's voice actors.
  8. oh, totally. that sounds so Fallout to me! and while we're at it let's cut out all dialogue trees/choices and replace them with cut-scenes and romantic interest mini-games. heck, we could even phase the pop-a-mole combat out of it so you can just roam the wasteland decorating your house!
  9. 20? please. by 10 i realized nothing i put into SPECIAL meant ****-all (not to mention any in-game decisions for that matter).
  10. heh. that sort of specializing is exactly why i like Arcanum over all other aspects (aside from the setting) and why i find it so massively re-playable.
  11. to be fair...most of the "change" to the core gameplay elements within the series so far has equaled "watered down" so it's natural to see Fallout fans bawwing about change. on the other hand, some of these so-called hardcore fans are showing their colors with their simultaneous "I wish Van Buren happened instead of Bethesda's Failout!" and then going "Merging guns, wtf?!" it's a pretty embarrassing thing to watch go down.
  12. i lol'ed. also: this merging is about as old news as Fallout news gets, dudes. about 8 years old or so...if VB was any indication of how Sawyer would take SPECIAL. frankly, i'm just glad somebody's actually thinking about SPECIAL at all at this point. might actually make the game playable.
  13. i have to hand it to you, Grommers--of all the members here, you are the one i'd be most interested in meeting. if only to see if you're this brazen in the real world.
  14. i'll actually go ahead and agree with this. i enjoyed CoP quite a lot (though Pripyat itself was a huge disappointment, imo) and never found eating/sleeping/taking cover/etc to be tedious. it helped animate even further for me the sense of survival in The Zone. no, i think he was just asking for a less juvenile form of discourse (speaking of, do you larp as an ogre/troll in real life too? like...at work and socially?) *shrugs*
  15. reading fail on my part, disregard.
  16. i'd describe the entire game this way.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=catB6uq9ppA...feature=related
  18. vagina blasting.
  19. don't you mean "Ha-Ha Good Fun"?
  20. weird. no edit button that i can see. soooo, double post i guess. Yo Sawyer, I'm really happy for you...an' I'm gonna let you finish...but Marcus is the best super-mutant of all time! ... that said, i looked at the hi-res re-texture of the super-mutant in that new screen-shot, and it looks much better. at first with the small screen i thought, "eh, better but still orc." after looking up close, i say Great Job!
  21. no. it's not really about "funny" for me. it's about somebody with a sense of humor i relate to telling a joke, then somebody with a lack of that same sense of humor trying to tell the same joke and failing.
  22. i'm like...wicked-sure i never said that.
  23. Can we haz vehicals?
  24. how about: Wasteland Exploration Simulator II
  25. go for it, you first!
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