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Everything posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. Did you play the game? Unlike exploding cars and the fat man's denial of physics, this was actually explained perfectly well within the game. Not to mention you're referencing Fallout 2, a game many wish had strayed less from the path of Fallout 1 (in other words, that strawman's so worn out it's got holes in it).
  2. The only connection I am personally pointing to is the part about an over-powered BOOMSPLODE!! element in a Fallout game which can be used throughout the game (unless the preview is misinformation). Well...except "courier" is actually a real occupation while "lone wanderer" is not likely something anybody, ever, would call somebody else. Yep. I think with Fallout 3 verisimilitude and consistency within the series got bent like Neo's spoon and now a certain amount of elements probably need to be kept in order to cater to the casuals & consoles. I guess it makes sense...since piracy is basically killing the PC industry and I'm sure the integrity of the games dissipates when making enough sales to keep food on your table is the highest priority (which it should be, don't get me wrong). Still, shame we need things like exploding ****ing cars which makes NO ****ing sense AT ALL and is a downright depressing sign of the times if nothing else.
  3. Exactly. Don't paint maudlin fainting motions over my screen-name where there aren't any. Voicing my disappointment and banging my head on a wall donning a straight-jacket are...contrary to internet beliefs...quite distant.
  4. i mean... ...sounds pretty ****ing daunting and clear to me. i agree that epic moments handled well are...well...epic, and fun. but this just sounds like the same damn depressing console-targetting pre-news we got for Fallout 3.
  5. This...eh...you didn't really catch my point, did you? If a tree falls in the woods and nobody's around, etc. And also...I'm sorry, but I remember feeling massive amounts of "joy" from games before epic 'sploshuns and npc sex were a standard of the industry.
  6. Not to put words in his mouth...but maybe the fact it sounds as arbitrarily over-powered for the sake of the "SPLOSHUNS!" crowd like exploding cars, the fat man and the orbital missles of broken steel?
  7. ecksbocks. Oh boy. The "if you don't like it, don't use it" argument, again. So many parallels I could make...but let's try this one: "If you don't like television, then don't watch it!" Well, if television was generally more intellectually stimulating I would want to watch it. Wouldn't I be better off protesting bad programming and petitioning for good programming if I'm to play an active role in not only getting what I want but helping something become generally better?
  8. Thing is, console kiddies have been sold that games like Mass Effect are RPG's. Most of 'em have no idea wtf a 20-sided die is. Oh hey, cool! The exact same info in every other preview so far! It will be, but that's not really saying much. The jury's still out as to whether or not it will be better than F2, which would be the only real victory here.
  9. not that i agonized per se, but this pretty much sums up my experience as well. it was incredibly disappointing.
  10. Of course not...and even further, all that is really being suggested is not allowing us to become super-human so quickly by regressing back to the way skills worked in 1 & 2. Things got really boring for me in Fallout 3 really quickly after I was able to do a little too much a little too early. Overpowered perks every level also contributed to this in-game, as-programmed originally by the developers, reverse-gimping.
  11. wait...shouldn't that be the other way around?
  12. Y'know...random esoteric insults don't quite have the same *ooomph* on impact.
  13. They looked pretty much the same to me. I mean, when you look at them the first thing which comes to your mind is "Fallout 3". Maybe the proportions are tweaked a little better...but it's still the same graphic-set. Picking the "Bethesda" Fallout character faces (or animations for that matter) out of a line up in today's era of gaming would be embarrassingly simple. All you have to do is look for the design which appears to be created by an out-dated engine and a designer who's never looked up close at a human face.
  14. Yeah. I hate those goddamn faces. I shed a tear when the first New Vegas screens came out...I just thought "Oh no...not this ****ing **** again!" I think in order to describe the way I feel about MCA and Sawyer getting a chance to reincorporate Van Buren (amongst other things) within the context of Bethesda's already manufactured Fallout graphic-set is akin to eating a bowl of ice cream after having just thrown-up. The ice cream will likely taste very good, but I'll be unable to ignore the lingering taste of bile from my mouth. I am still having trouble deciding if vanilla-flavored bile is better or if i should just go and get some mouthwash and say c'est la vie, I tried.
  15. Now that sounds familiar. Very, very familiar. *scratches head*
  16. Yeah, good point. I know I've seen Sawyer mention having poked around at Nexus...and I suppose if one was to take anything away from that site (other than that there are many, many sad and lonely dudes out there) it's that people wanted a more challenging and diverse game. Fallout Wasteland Explorer mod and Marts Mutant Mod are two great examples of the modding community doing a much better job than the developers did in this area. Obviously, when you're catering to the Xbox...it's such a broad and generally casual crowd...you can't release the vanilla game this way, unless you include the word "ZOMFG! OPTIONAL HARDCORE MODE MUTHA****A!" on the box detailing how there's actually a challenging game inside, just in case you wanted one. My hope though, is that "hardcore mode" (is just so ****ing stupid sounding, btw) has more to it than what has been advertised. Can't wait 'til we get to hear a little more. Btw, FFS...when will that be?
  17. wow. this is really, really sick. like...****ing capitalism at it's lowest and sickest.
  18. Actually, just from the previews and knowledge we already have...there is a good deal of Van Buren already incorporated into New Vegas. Areas, factions, similar story-lines (somewhat changed, but definitely coming from Van Buren ((i.e. the Nightkin having gone insane from stealth boys is lifted from a BoS storyinlin in VB)) and I'm sure there will be much more that we haven't seen yet too. I'm really hoping for a Dr. Sebastian appearance.
  19. that's it...i'm gonna start charging, dammit.
  20. Really now. Weirder than carrying around multiple suits of armor along with 20 guns and a cornucopia of random "stuff"? Because...somehow a person could actually carry multiple suits of armor? I prefer the 1lb pencil over that, though I think there's got to be a better way for both sides of the argument.
  21. Damn. This discussion went in a direction I certainly didn't intend it to. I wasn't talking about the interface or anything like that. I was simply talking about the weight of items and the carry weight of your character. That's it. Being forced to choose only what is really dear to you makes that which is in your inventory more special to you and your character. You kind of grow a bond with that .223 modified hand gun. This just isn't possible when your character is somehow able to carry every damn gun and piece of armor in the game without worry. It's not only a little immersion breaking in it's unreality, it just turns everything sort of...I don't know...un-special. Basically, I don't think there should be any objects without weight. Like...nothing. And I think the carry weight of the PC should be brought back down to where it was in the originals with strength and perks (or traits, if they find their way in) affecting this.
  22. My point wasn't that this was an outstanding example of gaming excellence but merely an alternative to being able to carry EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD or just what your character's carry weight allowed. The carry weight in FO3 is higher and the amount of weightless items (including ammo) is much, much higher. Oh. Did I say "higher"? I meant dumber.
  23. if that's the case does this mean we're going to see elements of Rapelay in FO:NV?
  24. Uninstall? Oh. Never-mind. Well, actually...let me address this issue. Can we just assume that we won't be able to carry every bit of every damn thing on the planet as if it is weightless and our rucksacks bottomless? I absolutely HATED the absence of inventory management in that game. In Fallout 1 & 2 I was constantly struggling to figure out just what it was that I really needed to carry on me at all times, what I could store and come back to, or what I could keep in the trunk (in Fallout 2). I hope, at least, that ammo having weight again is an indication that our inventories will be more realistic and challenging.
  25. No need. I can sum that up for you right here: * Will there be vehicles? * We can have a house? * Will there be aliens? * (enter in some random impossible to incorporate or develop in allotted time and/or canon-breaking element here) * We can have a business? * We can have a vehicles? * We can have power armor?
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