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Everything posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. You're joking, right? I asked you about cRPGs.
  2. Heck, when you think about it...it doesn't even need to be there at all!
  3. I think you've been had, lad.
  4. Nope! Tigranes still hates the idea of being a true bro.
  5. What about your post, other than a list which proves nothing toward the argument, should you like me to respond to? I swear I'll give it my best shot.
  6. No thank you, I'd rather converse in real time. Or was that not your intention? You simply wanted to make a statement and run? Where has anybody made this claim?
  7. Give me a few "facts" and I swear I'll pay them attention and respond.
  8. Do you regard romances as a "game feature"? Would it make or break your decision to purchase a cRPG?
  9. What are you not understanding here? Mass Effect is an Action-RPG designed for consoles. It is not a cRPG. This is a fact. I'm not talking about removing anything. I'm talking about not including frivolous and unnecessary LARP-oriented nonsense which will not add anything substantial to the game.
  10. Of course. It boggles my mind that out of all the things which made old cRPGs classic and brilliant, people are clamoring for the same next-gen, consolized, popamole, virtualLARP that they can easily obtain from any number of BioWare or Bethesda games (or heck, Second Life while we're at it).
  11. And again I ask you: Do you feel those IE games are revered because of those romances?
  12. Yes, you did. I asked you to name a revered cRPG and you named a popular console Action-RPG game. Yes, the game is revered for romances. No, it's not a revered cRPG. It is simply a popular console Action-RPG game.
  13. I think you mean 90's and yes, that is exactly what Project Eternity is advertising itself as attempting to do.
  14. You've just unwittingly proved my point. However, sadly, Mass Effect is not a revered cRPG. It is a crap console popamole game.
  15. Screw modern mechanics. That's exactly what we're NOT pledging money toward.
  16. To give us pleasant distractions in an otherwise meaningless life. Because that is the relevant topic for this particular sub-forum. Both of those games could claim reverance regarding those two random topics you listed as people do look to Fallout, for instance, as one of the leading examples of item descriptions. You still haven't answered my question though.
  17. In order to make money and sustain their business. Also, likely, because they enjoy the genre.
  18. MoTB was fantastic. Bring Fenstermaker too while you're at it!
  19. Romance (has) nothing to do with RPG(s). I wrote a post on page 17 asking somebody to name one revered cRPG which is revered because of romance.
  20. Sure there is. To sell to RPG fans.
  21. Name one single revered cRPG which people love because of romances.
  22. Voted "Fallout 1 & 2" because those are my favorite on that list, but come on. It's "Cain, Avellone & Sawyer" which brought most of us here, no?
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