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Everything posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. that box was pretty horrible.
  2. *shrugs* keeps me from being completely disappointed with everything. everything is usually disappointing to at least some degree if you have high and/or unrealistic expectations. i'll agree with that. i just wish the gas mask looked less next-gen-y and more Fallout-y. and glowing red eyes, amirite? yep.
  3. hmmmm. this is not what i was hoping for after clicking on this title.
  4. heh. well, a bit generally forgiving mebbe? in that the name implies you're a fan of a game not even out yet?
  5. yes. and your username is also "Thorton_AP".
  6. not even the glowing red eyes? i mean...c'mon, man.
  7. they're certainly a very special bunch, they are.
  8. well, it's no Athabaska ****, but...meh. i have bigger bones to pick than names. EDIT: lulz at the auto-censor.
  9. I assume that House is a play on the phonetic sound of "Hughes" as in "Howard Hughes" and the relevancy of the use of the word "house" in the casino world. i see nothing inherently wrong/dumb/whatever about it.
  10. as what? a sleeping bag?
  11. well...people don't exactly come in one size. this would never happen. your greatest hope is that the Bethbeast opens up a Bethstore where you can buy all sorts of nifty Bethproduct. *gag*
  12. dude, it's like 10 bucks more than just the game itself. :/
  13. well, i just pre-ordered it like the Fallout fanboy i am. you're welcome, Sawyer. i hope i don't regret it like i did the last time. seriously? an Avellone-penned graphic novel? dude.
  14. better. but that's like comparing a solid **** to diarrhea.
  15. Mark Morgan > Audio Turned Off > Inon Zur jus' sayin'.
  16. please tell me you are actually "CrashGirl" because that would make having this quote in my sig even sweeter.
  17. there's an entire thread at DAC dedicated to the special people from that forum.
  18. lawlz...dude, there was no offense to be had. i knew you were joking.
  19. that ain't me, buster. (p.s. i knew i knew you from somewhere else!)
  20. what? noooooo.... true grit!
  21. I remember saying almost exactly the same thing to a friend some time ago. There was something that made the originals special which cannot be clearly explained. You might call it "soul" I guess. And with Obsidian, I believe that soul will return, simple as that. That's why I know I'll enjoy it both as a great FPRPG and a great Fallout game. yep. it felt like the cast of Friends trying to recreate a Monty Python episode.
  22. they included my photochop. wheee!
  23. taking credit for something you're not actually responsible for does not fall into the "should" of my world. did i argue that this isn't the way it is? i don't recall having done that. oh. right. because generally forums and things like video-games are "significant". right. i'm not here trying to save the world, i'm bored at work.
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