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Everything posted by PastramiX

  1. As much as how frustrating of a tease this is, I'd have to say that this marketing stunt, whatever it might hold, has been incredibly effective. It's made everyone jump up and take notice... exactly what PR campaigns are designed to do. Granted, it's quite a jarring thing to do, but nonetheless effective.
  2. If they're closing-up shop, then I don't think that they would announce that everyone will have unlimited access to download games previously purchased; that wouldn't be consistent with the technical closure that would come with business closure, obviously, unless if they've rigged a legal deal to allow such a "mass withdrawal" so to speak. Again, I think this is just PR stunt... or not.
  3. Windows 7 Professional 64-bitIntel Core i5 540M @~2.6 GHz ATi Mobility Radeon HD 5650; 1 GB VRAM 4 GB System RAM Yep, and I tried multiple saves from multiple games, and they all worked. I can also confirm that the "Reload Last Checkpoint" feature is fixed; enemies always spawn correctly now. Yep.
  4. No problems over 'ere; the patch works fine for me. No corrupt saves, no runtime errors; the game simply runs better than before. Either I'm damned lucky, or y'all computers' suck.
  5. Quick question: is VATS going to be adjusted and modified to make it more on-par with real-time combat? In Fallout 3, real-time became somewhat redundant once your AP recovered, and the system was much more accurate in causing critical hits than real-time; a super mutant ambush could be demolished by entering a ballet of VATS, hide, VATS, hide, VATS, loot, continue. Rather unbalanced, IMO.
  6. I've already tried loading and importing .upks from Alpha Protocol in UDK. Unfortuantely, it makes the program crash. Then again, maybe I'm doing it wrong.
  7. "Hey, look, it's a picture of Darcy. It says, 'Mike & Sean; F*** YEAH!!!'... with three exclamation points."
  8. For VATS, please make the slow-motion death sequences optional. Frankly... in Fallout 3, they were ridiculously over-the-top, and not in a clever way. In Fallout 1&2, when you made a critical hit, a 10mm round in the torso made half the rib cage explode, or a plasma slug melted the flesh from the bone... and it all happened within a half-second, making it more surprising, and in a comical fashion, to boot. Whereas in Fallout 3, every attack granted a slo-mo sequence, which got quite old quite fast. Even if slo-mo deaths are implemented, could they at least occur only during critical hits?
  9. Frankly, I just hope that AP runs at a decent framerate on my rig, regardless of the settings. I could really care less about the graphical quality, as long as I can actually move my mouse deftly without succumbing to gratuitous use of bloom and pixel shaders. While other UE3 games such as UT3 and Mirror's Edge have ran at ~30 FPS at maximum quality, Mass Effect lurches along at the equivalent settings on my rig, unfortunately.
  10. LucasArts doesn't really want the public to know that there was a KotOR II; you can thank TOR for that (Kreia, who?). The entire DnD game franchise is in legal hell due to the latest Atari-Hasbro Battle for the Intellectual Property
  11. Did you install the game using this guide, following the instructions in the first two posts?
  12. People have gotten both K1 & 2 working almsot flawlessly in the Win7 RC via only XP Mode. Link
  13. Descent 1&2 PoP: SoT
  14. I regularly shoot up hyperbole, always with a few cc's of sarcasm; it keeps the burgeoning stress at bay. As far as what an RPG might be defined, I'd go out on a limb and say that AP seems to break out of the generic confines of what an RPG of today might be considered. The dialogue system seems to support that theory, as well as the morality system (or lack thereof), and of course, the setting. If the reviewer in question was specifying stats and mechanics, well, ME wasn't too heavy on those, either, and AP doesn't seem to be either. Not to imply that there is anything wrong with that per se, but AP also seems to not put a massive amount of importance on skills and stats and their relation to gameplay, so I can see where one might regard that as not RPG-y enough. Foremost, I couldn't block out the disconcerting feeling that the reviewer was implying that ME was a outstanding bastion of role-playing, and if correct, I feel that that is yet another indicator of how barren the industry seems to be at the moment...
  15. Would Michael Foster be a BioWare spy? I heard that they're everywhere these days, always attempting to sequester good ideas from rival companies, even if that resorts to corporate espionage...
  16. Uninstall K2, and reinstall it following this guide. Be sure to read the first two posts.
  17. Follow this guide (The first two posts) to correctly get K2 installed on Vista. Be sure to view the second post, as well.
  18. Judging from the review, Sega hasn't payed off IGN enough, unlike everyone else. I'm not expecting AP to be yet another 10/10 GotY coming from any game "journalist" outfit now, but that's 100% fine with me.
  19. Somewhat, but it doesn't matter that much at all, really. Any processor that uses multithreading (Dual core or not) is as good as multicore processors, especially when most apps don't fully utilize both simultaneous cores.
  20. The best part about HL2 was Highway 17. That was point where I finally exclaimed "Hooray, now I can explore the world at my leisure with my very own jeep!". Of course, it did allow the exploration of those neatly placed abandoned homes, but that was about it. Same thing goes for the disappointment of City 17. Still, I even find Star Wars: Dark Forces to be more entertaining than HL2. At least in that game, every level was designed as a "Here is what you have to do, feel free to do it in your spare time" sort of affair. There was no "scripted" advancement in the level, but simply more of a leisurely exploration.
  21. Whoever designed the Sunri murder trial in K1 should get an award. That was the best quest in that game, and is definitely a good example of a more morally ambiguous quest. Other than that, they made KotOR, which Obsidian improved tenfold with K2. Same goes for NWN2 (Particularly MotB), BG2, and PS:T. .... Yes.
  22. What? I haven't seen any official article or thread mentioning lack of ethnicity selections. Even if it is true, I agree with the above post; it would only create a greater "need" for a mandatory mulit-ethnic option, ultimately ultra-PC'ing games, and eventually, curb overall creativity.
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