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Skie Nightfall

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Everything posted by Skie Nightfall

  1. Playing different races have been a thing in TES since forever, but not one of different heights like Dwarves and Orlans. I would love to be able to play Orlan in this game, my favorite Pillars race too.
  2. Well, at least it will be well patched and cheaper by the time it arrives to GOG. Plenty of games to play until then.
  3. lol? That's your opinion, so there's nothing to atone for. PoE easily made it to my top 5 RPGs I played all time *shrugs*
  4. I want alcohol/drug addiction as a possible flaw
  5. Yea, please get it to GOG as well. I mean PoE, Tyranny and F:NV are there!
  6. 1. PoE by faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar 2. F:NV 3. Deadfire 4. KotOR2
  7. Who says that you *have* to be level 20 by the end of the game? Is it a big deal if you're level 18 or even lower? Is it a big deal if the last boss is beatable when you're not max level? When there's so many big bosses to test yourself on anyway. I'm also in the opinion that by the time I reach the last boss, I don't need it to be a grinding encounter. In Deadfire it's at least possible to somewhat self managed even without mods. Just don't do all the useless bounty quests, which feel extremely repetitive and boring. Original Pillars was balanced way better. Even though the bounty quests there also reward you too much XD
  8. Hmph The only new feature I'm looking for is the rebalancing of the experience gain XD
  9. The xp gain in Deadfire is more absurd than the original. My next play would be more roleplay based, so I'll probably skip a lot of quests. The bounties especially, are more absurd than the original. Repetitive, boring, stupid xp gain.
  10. Why even bring up something like ME3 >.< Extended cut didn't really do much for it But yea, that works for me. What was Eothas endgame then? Let the flow be natural again and the world see the gods for what they are and decide what to do about it?
  11. At least the way the story unfolded made it easy for me to decide the first game is better. When the gods said the souls will be stuck without the wheel, I thought they lie to me. That they just need the wheel so they'll be able to siphon some souls for themselves, and that some cycle always existed even before the gods were made. However, if they told me the truth, then I have no idea what's up with the world's lore anymore. I've seen old discussion about the ending from around May. Did anyone make clear sense of it since then? Any dev came out with a canon explanation?
  12. I think some are and it shows you the result for the lowest skilled party member. If they pass, the party pass. Check if the chosen one was always the one with least skill.
  13. 3.0.1 In the Drowned Kingdom of BoW, Rekke speaks in the Pool of Lost Memories. But I never recruited Rekke... Savegame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ldwiod5ofxbkbl/rekke.savegame?dl=0 You just need the win the battle to see it happen.
  14. Haven't finished the game yet, just level 20 doing some DLC content before the final quest now. If you like the first game, then you should buy it. No one forces you to do all the combat if you prefer more of the story. The game does some stuff better and some stuff worse than the original. But it's very subjective. So far, the tie ins between this and the original have been probably the best sequel tie ins I've ever seen. Subtle, just enough to tell you things happened in your past.
  15. Title says it all. Very confusing, I haven't notice it before. Maybe it started during 3.0.1. I've mostly used Lethandria's Devotion rather than Magran's Blessing before switching to Wintertide Bulwark. Hence why I would expect this happening earlier than now. Either way, now when I enter combat, the Fire Shield gets triggered, despite not wielding the shield. To reproduce just use the save and enter combat. Things I noticed: - Switching shields or removing shields completely, it still gets triggered. - The ability is written under Eder's abilities in his character sheet Opinion: This is related to the same bug with Skrim and Zealous Focus being stuck to characters. Save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cu3neqyabuj4rig/shield.savegame?dl=0
  16. Would the achievements remain between installations of the game? E.g. If I uninstall the game and reinstall in later or on another machine, would it unlock them according to Steam/GOG achievements?
  17. Oh, a shame. Well, the patch notes should have been more clear regarding that. I think weapons shouldn't stay on the doll when using this feature, and maybe blocking inventory plays when it's on. Something to consider if you ever try to put it back.
  18. Totally with you on the progression and lost of drive. Though for me it's kinda of an indication how good a game is. If I can keep going despite reaching max level and best equipment, it must mean the story or gameplay are really good. Had no problem finishing PoE Another option, is on my next playthrough, to go full on roleplay and skip content as fitting my character.
  19. It's a toggle, you don't have to use it o.o Also, it can be better than a straight forward percentage thing. Make it formulated according to the amount of xp you're supposed to gain.
  20. I'd prefer it as a simple toggle, but I guess a god's "challenge" would do.
  21. Both games have an abundant of experience to be gained (sometimes too easily, like PoE bounty quests). I'd love the ability to toggle experience gain down as part of the difficulty setting. Something for the more completionist players, who reach max level mid-game in. Thoughts?
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