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Skie Nightfall

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Everything posted by Skie Nightfall

  1. Now I'm wondering what element to focus on for Wildstrike and Penetration. Shock would be obvious because of Storms. But kinda only for them. Wondering if I should spice it up with Freeze or Corrode instead. Anyone knows if Spirit Tornado's freeze damage is effect by Secret of Rime?
  2. Two dumps attached. It happens both times when I was playing with the character doll (if that's how you call it) in the inventory screen. I play a druid, so toggling between options such as animal form, back to human form, show/hide cloak/helm, and suddenly the doll smears and then the game crashes. This is before I noticed the Nvidia specific topic. I will now continue playing with the suggested setting from here. Hopefully it will help you some. Game is 2.0 with all DLC. Drivers are 398.36 (will download the slightly newer ones too) 2018-08-04_194502.zip 2018-08-05_181738.zip
  3. Oh damn, I didn't notice the topic. Just all the BETA subforums >.< #Fail
  4. Barely played and already crashed twice and spotted some bugs around
  5. Oh awesome!! The female Orlan I've been using ^.^ Thanks for this
  6. So, slightly late to Deadfire party Finished today both Divinity Original Sin 2 and Seven the Days Long Gone, and Deadfire is next in line. I'm planning to play a Tempest, importing my PoE barbarian and adding the druid spice to her. I'm wondering which abilities work with spiritshifted form and which don't. I remember some would and some won't. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of the following. 1. Carnage - IIRC works when spiritshifted 2. Frenzy? 3. Monastic Unarmed Training - I think this doesn't work? 4. Two Weapon Style - Druids are considered to have two weapons when shifted, right? Would the talent improve it? 5. Any other notable passives that work or don't work? There are many. Any other general tips or pitfalls for playing this class? And more general game questions: 1. I went PotD on my second PoE run, and enjoyed the extra attention one has to put to combat (e.g. buffs and debuffs, matching attack types to enemy's defenses, etc'). I was wondering if PotD in Deadfire is comparable to the one from the previous game. 2. Since I'm already starting the game where DLCs are available, I'm wondering if I should play the basic game first, or just go all in. Any reason to try the game without the DLCs? TIA!!
  7. People who pledged at the CE tier got a complimentary key on top of the one that was included with their reward tier. So I pledged an extra 20$ for nothing? xD Give it away. Feels good, man. I would and yet I still have a copy of PoE to give xD
  8. People who pledged at the CE tier got a complimentary key on top of the one that was included with their reward tier. So I pledged an extra 20$ for nothing? xD
  9. So I went to my account (where one manages the pledges and all that) in order to redeem my season pass key, and for some reason I have two of those. No idea why.
  10. I have the game on GOG and I have the Rum Runner DLC installed (I use Galaxy). I don't use galaxy and I also have the Rum Runner DLC on gog. 'buy' it for free from: https://www.gog.com/game/pillars_of_eternity_ii_deadfire_rum_runners_pack then find it in your library under the main game DLC section. Thanks, this is what I was missing!
  11. Doesn't seem like the Rum Runner is available for GOG in anyway.
  12. So those who got the DLC add on in the FIG campaign get all three?
  13. Bump. Still no confirmation one way or the other.
  14. So, posted this about a month ago, and never got an answer. Was it intended to not allow Ixamitl Plains to have hunter profession in Deadfire? It's the only culture that doesn't have the hunter option now, and in PoE it was possible (all cultures could be hunter). Would ruin continuity for my import character probably
  15. Happened to my Orlan as well on first level up.
  16. Ok, so this is a bug. I've chosen the same culture, which is Ixamitl Plains, and I don't see the hunter profession. 100% sure it was there in PoE (new computer, it isn't installed). And this actually claims that Hunter was available for all... I checked, and all the cultures in PoE2 can choose Hunter except Ixamitl. Must be a bug then? Should a mod move this to the bugs section?
  17. But this was what my character was before PoE started Seriously though, why remove some of the options that were at the first game when there's importing possible?
  18. Classical early beta font scaling issues. Using 125% while playing at 1920x1080 Here are some examples. Maybe this thread can be used for all spotted font scaling issues.
  19. Nice to see a GOG option for beta as well now
  20. Any chance for a picture of all the new portraits please?
  21. Well finding 55 combination can't be easy, but I do think they won't mind changing them if good suggestions come along.
  22. D:OS became boring, repetitive and storyless after I finished the first act. It's actually something Divinity games suffer from. Great gameplay, but I never continue past the first area. There's no hook. And D:OS specifically has very low roleplay value IMO. It's amazing how amazing I thought the game is at first until I really got tired of it. High potential though, so will check out the sequel. PoE was absolutely amazing for me. Only with both expansions I felt like it's dragging a bit. Hope the second one won't disappoint. Definitely my most anticipated game at the moment.
  23. I've been looking for something like that! Thread should restart with those pinned to the top really. I rather have Barbarian/Druid as Shaman rather than Barbarian/Wizard.
  24. Is there a compiled list somewhere of the known Multiclasses names so far?
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