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Everything posted by Asol

  1. It's called "style over substance", technically. With some PC thrown in for flavor. Also: hey Hades, having fun with your new alt? Biffed hunch. Anway saying it is being PC is fair, but hardly anything is being 'misinterpretted' if I object to terms used. General ignorant fundamentalist Muslim is a big stinky foot to shoehorn in when refering to things like state sponsored terrorism or religious political extremism etc. Thats just a sauce for goose is sauce for gander question, if you don't want to see it that way fine. As to 'style over substance' where is any substance? When the discussion can be summed up, 'their leaders wouldn't suicide the country because they like the power and want to keep it' it pretty much implies that the boundaries of theocratic madness could barely be guessed, I don't think its unfair to call that kind of attitude warmongering when that has become the thrust of the thread. Then maybe that is over the top but this thread has had a lingering ugly direction. I may overreacted.
  2. They would gain martyrdom. From my understanding, there is no greater sacrifice than sacrificing yourself for the jihad by taking out the enemies of Allah. If Iran got nuclear weapons, it would not surprise me for them to use such terrible weapons against Israel regardless the consequences. They would sacrifice their nation if it means to remove a nation that is, in their view, an enemy of God. You have to understand that the political leadership of Iran isn't quite as keen on martyrdom as the general ignorant fundamentalist Muslim. They are leaders because they like power and want to keep it, not because they're trying to achieve moral victory against "evil". Thats quite loaded language, no one is keen on martyrdom and a fringe extremist shouldn't equate with the 'general ignorant fundamentalist muslim' nor be representative of the body. As christians are not by and large abortion bombers nor are americans pederasts because of the presense of nambla or a Roman Polanski and so on.... The general fundamentalist practicioner of islam should not be labled ignorant out of hand as the teaching and the practice are more steeped in self discipline and self developement than the way christianity is generally practiced, I would also say lines of learning tend to be less marginalized for practicing muslims than practicing christians. Compulsion is very minimal compared to other world religions, islam is expected to be spread by example... This thread hasn't been anything but watercooler wardrumming.
  3. You owe it to me. Buying gilts when i have this lovely bridge for sale? .
  4. Anarchy is just people being responsible for themselves, and maybe dealing with their fear of god for each other. Also the maximum freedom option means not empowering corporations around the clock who then naturally own the polititians you cheer or fingerwag. Which entails probably more work on more fronts than the average human housecat has become accustomed. Everyone is a rugged individualist before and after they borrow their way through college to get that job at XCORP or before they crash that motorcycle and need a squillion unforseen medical attention etc... You are not 'free' with an institution meeting your needs, you just have an acceptable facimile relative to how extensively your needs are being met. The spectrum is maximum or minimum self responsibility.
  5. You are revisioning something that wasn't that long ago. When everyone was making the first round of ROGUES SUCK posts you answered damn near everyone one with posts about how rogues and fighters were not supposed to be equal in a fight. People criticized the DPS they were able to do in the early levels figuring out mechanics, and you responded to all those thread by saying things like its not wow and they are not wow rogues etc. The fact that rogues can get excellent DPS after you know the mechanics makes your initial position just as ignorant as anything else said about rogues when DA was 'freshmeat' Unlike your rememberance of Gromnir's opinion i am stating facts about things you actually said and meant and how they were wrong.
  6. You're not even being responsible with other peoples positions. There is a difference between saying the class is useless and saying the skill division is superfluous or pointless. The division between rogue and warrior archtype skill sets doesn't need to be there when all caster archtypes fall under one class. It seems like they could never get away from the three class design probably due to how they implemented specialties, but the balance and division of skills between the three is lopsided.
  7. More governers and counters to the magic system would be beneficial. The skill system is just off balance when mages are holding more cards than are divided between rogues and warriors, that makes 3 classes a weird stopping point in streamlining. Why not just 2 then or some other system. It's a bit more unfortunate long term that they pretty much wrote the system into the lore and IP.
  8. Nothing to you specificly but this is one of the justifications that gets under my skin. The idea only the capital A art stuff is worth buying isn't anything more than putting a personal slidey scale on what one is comfortable stealing.
  9. Animal cruelty is a serious problem stretching it to include things like this however is a joke. Pet ownership itself is cruel through sponsorship of the supply and production processes on top of being useless exploitation they are not even working animals. The only 'problem' with the catwash is visibility, what is a pets tramatic event compared to entire tramatic lives of a host of animals exploited to support the general consumer lifestyle... I see this being like the closed loop arguement in the smoking thread, if ones issues are trifling then pointing out the fact as an arguement is just stamped distraction or diversion. However thats what this is, Its just demeaning and trifling to animal exploitation issues. How would could this be a last straw, crossed line or anything like that? The only issue the visibility and you believing they are 'doing the whole pet thing wrong' Edits boatload of sentence fragments...
  10. The class design is just cumbersome and awkward. If you streamline potential nuker, CC, support, and healer roles into builds of one class(one build often having it all anyway), then why can't light and heavy melee, archery and sneakery be streamlined into a builds of one class? I enjoyed DAO but would still perfer some form of an IWD follow up to another DA, there were a couple design issues to give me pause at coming back such as an extra superfluous hallway or two between any two points and the general injection of MMO grindyness.
  11. Thumb drives are non compliant for this and the one USB CDrom we had in the shop was in-op. I just settled to replace it with another PC on the network. Thanks for the suggestions.
  12. Children are obviously highly likely to share dietary habits with their providers and child obesity is a pretty visible occurrance while smoking is in comparative decline, food and diet issues will continue to overtake it as well as processed foods are getting worse not better... Highly processed foods and the number of dietary items that are simply trash are a bigger threat to general health of the youth. Processed sugars and sweeteners will beat down your liver virtually as if you had been an alcoholic. The think of the kids arguement is not sympathetic its a distraction when most issues eclipse second hand smoke. In contrast to real monsters like debting, consumerism and environmental issues a typical person protecting their children from second hand smoke ammounts little more than boogeyman scaring, basicly ritual pretend.. Smoking is just a rabble rouser.
  13. I smoked for 8 years and have been quit for 2. The anti smoking thing still iritates me for some vagueish reasons, when I smoked I was more sympathetic the anti-smoking thing... I think its an excuse to hold someone else responsible for something, and the enjoyment of being on the favorable side of a stigma. An aspect of consumer driven economy is people are promoted to hold peter pan type self image rather than a more realistic view of a life of phases... Obesity is epidemic and people perfer to take every rediculous pill for problems they could prevent with diet and exercise and so on. More than a handfull of products in my neighborhood healthfood store I would identify as poison, the typical american diet has to be killing orders of magnitude more than any second hand smoke.
  14. I have a disc set to load a computer with a certain configuration and I seem to have bricked it either skipping or ignoring steps while trying to multitask. Its a gov load involving a boot disc followed by a driver disk then an image disk then a couple apps disks. The image disk wouldn't read and may have been scratched or corrupted haven't used it since, attempting to restart from getting stopped in the ghost image portion left me apparently looking at a brick. On attempts to reload the driver step spontainiously demands a floppy now when the file is on a cd i have no floppys with the pc equipment or the specific load that has to go on it. The HD is formated but i cannot load anything because the cdrom drive is 'unavailable' The system only boots past the bios which is passworded to find an invalid disk, i guess the cdrom is unavailable because i managed to delete device drivers without replacing them? It is odd because the bios sees the cdrom. I have some admining experience but am not strong on the A+ type stuff. The data is backed up to a server but i need to put the box back in service. What is the best way to recover this thing? Any help highly appreciated thanks
  15. Consumption has to go way down and self sufficiency up, production is a problem. Employed people in the US are generally in service jobs or government positons. The bond sales enable deficit spending, spending cuts don't seem forseeable when Pres Obama is talking about spending and borrowing out of a credit crisis. China is viewed as the market controller imo because financially there is basicly no credible buyer after them to pick up the slack. For the govt to spend over its tax generated revenue someone has to accept IOUs by buying the bonds. China is propping up the bond market and as it gets dodgier they can either keep buying, slowdown stop or sell. In that sense they have the descision making power with major ramifications coming, I don't consider it unfair or misguided to say China 'owns' the bond market or things to that effect.
  16. The caucasions were the inferior people in this picture similar to the orcs of LoTRs. Heck there seemed to be pretty blatant digs at the mercenary nature of the US military service and culture. The 'caucasion messiah' transmigrated to 'something better'. The typical status quo race lines seem like a bit of a stretch to apply here.
  17. Gun owner ship should be mandatory so people learn things like responsibility and what they are talking about.
  18. The tropes thing is becoming an irritant, i spent 30 minutes clicking though the Avatar one and i don't think I actually saw one for the actual theme of the movie, the plugged in proxy living trended in things like avatar matrix, surrogates, dollhouse, gamer etc... I would also call the film a bit of a punch puller on the face and symbolism heavy. Anyway those pages are like the tar pits of websites.
  19. Highly recommended. Exceptional for such an effects driven movie imo.
  20. Equalizing for parental and generational responsibility is essentially impossible, at least its the most monsterous task of any government or society. It's tempting to call it complete fantasy. Generational wealth represents the responsibility of forefathers to future generations, discouraging this is the same as encouraging irresponsibilty. Poverty and overpopulation are argueably the result of the portion of the population that will not recognize and adopt these responsibilities, let alone be self accountable. I guess my question is worst thing for what?
  21. I haven't played an FF since I got fed up and bored part way through FF9, but I have been looking forward to this one for some reason.
  22. That's a very naive point of view. Our society is not structured such that you can improve your standard of living purely through hard work, and to think otherwise is just denial. Perhaps that is a self inhibiting attitude.
  23. I agree about Breaking Bad, great show.
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