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Everything posted by Asol

  1. Pope, on your questions Do power seeking people deserve more power than power giving people? When you look it that way where is the need and the room for opinion? We have such and such govt and heirarchy from the people that would rather be laid back 9-5ers(if not outright welfare) and power givers rather than reality facers. OKAY BUT..... ....These people are fickle and consume themselves and each other by doing things like killing their communties with the walmarts and other bigboxes, foreign products from exploitated labor ect. They borrow themselves and others to death and blame it on the lender, how often does the lender walk into your home? Big bigbad Walmart send the job overseas or did their customers demand it? Replace rich get richer with lazy get lazier for a real picture. So you have a class at least in this country who wants it 'easy' yet completely works against the possibility of it being given to them. In america it is becoming a welfare state particularly after the mortgage 'fix' comes out with a participation optional meritocracy on the side. This leads to the can/should the useless be removed/punished. Yes 'they' definately need to be disempowered and removed from the political process. Where to draw the lines though. Entitlement or right vs obligation to vote: This is a decision for the leadership. If you benefit from or want/need the services of government you are subject to having your compensation for or participation in the process dictated.
  2. Saw this browsing IGF and D2D games
  3. Hows it seem for a present tense? People cant meet their own needs or responsibilities, they blister the planet while focusing on entertainment. The young parents here are pictured play on PS motes...
  4. Long story short I meant to comment in the fallout but got drawn here. These subjects are sad to me because personal responsibility rarely comes up. It is alway science man or politician is going to come to the rescue just in time ect... It is a joke.
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