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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. Bought "Kenshi". The concept looks so very interesting, but 'fraid that this game will go into my "Play when retired" collection along with Crusader Kings, Rimworld, Stellaris and such because I simply do not yet have uninterrupted years required to learn playing those games.
  2. They did, and he wrote one character, who turned out, well, nothing too special but good. And it's not all bad, I'm perhaps unfairly exaggerating a little, it's just when it's bad, it's eye-blistering bad.
  3. Oh, that lady is a love interest, conversations with these are particularly cringy. Charname is a little better with the non-smoochables, but yeah, don't expect Obsidian's, Bioware's or even Bethesda's writing. If Owlcat makes a new Kickstarter, they should include the "Hire a proper writer instead of level designer's teenage daughter whose credentials is publishing in fanfiction.net" goal before all others.
  4. Turn-based mode is slow and I would rather know beforehand what classes are just not fun to play. And it seems there aren't any posts with consolidated basic turn-based tips. Veteran difficulty. 0. Is resolve or dexterity more of a dump stat? I keep reading dex is kinda important for casters, but does that mean I should leave it at 10 instead of dropping all the way to minimum? Is resolve of any significant importance anywhere? 0.1 -- heavy armor for everyone, am I right? 1. Ancient druid. Chance to try that staff I always steal from Arkemyr's shop and never use. Seems like Resolve and Dex are dump stats, Intelligence then Might and Perception are important but I cannot quite figure out whether Might or Perception is more important of the two. I plan for utility and damage-over-time druid, so Might seems to be preferable? 2. Spellblade (Blood Mage/Debonaire). I see a lot of potential and I love mind-controlling enemies, seems to be fun. Now can I leave Con at 10 and again, what to do with Dex? 3. What makes for a better pyromaniac (like, efficiency and minmaxed highest level spells not important, what I want is the widest and most varied arsenal of tools to set things on fire) -- the Evoker Wizard, the priest of Magran or the combo of the two? 4. Seriously, is dexterity useful or not?
  5. 4 hour video?! Anyone has Cliffnotes of it? Anyway. Kingmaker now has an Extended Edition, bag of tricks and tools mod, turn-based mod, headcount & statistics mod and even buffbot mod, yet again proving how one should never ever rush to play a RPG at launch.
  6. I'm alternating between TSL and SWTOR. TSL is as good as ever (although apparently I've grown intolerant to smug sense of superiority and excess whinge since I played last so cannot wait to wipe out those b...roads of Atris and how comes I never noticed before how whiny Atton was?), but Nar Shaddaa level is so, so ugly. Abysmally ugly. Like, Morrowind levels of ugly. Maybe uglier, just more concentrated ugly rather than stretched out. So I popped into SWTOR's colourful Nar Shaddaa for some palate cleansing, and lo behold, there is casino event going on this month, and so after succumbing to my gambling addiction for something like couple of hours in total I ended up with nice assorted collection of goodies and currencies to buy other goodies.
  7. I keep hearing from quite a few trustworthy sources that Shadowrun Hong Kong is good, but I have a Witcher problem with it -- I want to do it chronologically, and the first Shadowrun is kind of boring so I keep restarting and stalling over and over. (Took a look at my GOG account to do that ranking thing, felt guilty about abysmal quantity of games unplayed while I do the umpteenth replay of New Vegas, Bloodlines or KOTOR2)
  8. Question: can I eat mushrooms that grow around Chernobyl? Answer: sure, but they are not easy to catch.
  9. All that SWTOR talk left me craving for Star Wars but good, so I reinstalled KOTOR2. Again. Look what you made me do, forum. Anyway, made me a girl, named her Lana B, too bad the game does not appreciate being neutral. Trying out Sentinel since, a) always only played Consulars before, 2)do not want to depend on dragging one of skill monkeys along all the time. Likely will attempt Guardian for the evil playthrough, dumb muscle kinda fits the concept. So far so good, no crashes (knocks on head), no mod conflicts. Also Kreia shines in different light now when I met Durance.
  10. Vade retro satana! † Anyway, can you Obs guys plz also grab Tyranny rights from Paradox while you're at it, thanks!
  11. Tanking sucks, it is always tank's fault when sh†t goes wrong but nobody notices their work when it goes right. Healing's much better, you can at least be sure that if you die it's because of your own incompetence. 'sides, if too drunk to play something involving cranial activity you can always troll in PvP. Granted, I never do operations. They look too much like a job, and I don't play games to have more job.
  12. Whoopsydaisy. When you quoted it, it looks kinda ominous and dramatic indeed, instead of "I hate heat, f†ck climate change!!!!" which is exactly what it meant. Anyway, here's a positive, live celebrating song to compensate for that (parental advisory: kinda explicit content?):
  13. How comes CDPR is so competent in building hype and why ain't they teaching other independents (like Obsidian until recently) how to do that?
  14. And an effective way for me to gain it. Scoring with a booby lady in chainmail bikini is no more realistic than getting it on with a Mr Cthulhu anyway; 'sides, ideal place to use phrase "Can I nom your head".
  15. To commemorate the slowly dawning realization that I'm never going to wait for a summer again, one of the prettiest summery songs.
  16. Soundtrack is pretty essential for this video.
  17. I cannot decide if I want to do stuff like Frostpunk or Long Dark for respite or something that takes place in Hell for better immersion. Meanwhile, playing a little funny casual thingy "Passpartout the starving artist", where you draw stuff to impress art connoisseurs, snobs and pretenders. I'm as art-ignorant as it goes, luckily, fat cats of Wall Street seem to love my "Tricolor maps of countries of the world" series. Also dabbled in "Game Dev Tycoon" a little. Built engines towards complex RPGs, had most success with action schlock with superheroes. It appears the game has pretty informative Wiki with useful info on how to game algorithms, alas, it's pretty impenetrable for my heatwave-addled brain.
  18. Heh. At work I'm not logged into gog account and "Recommended fort you" table displays a selection of RPGs + some games du jour. At home, where I'm currently binging on city builders like Rome: Civcity and Caesar 4, majority of offers is Roman-themed stuff. I'm curious to try Obduction, I liked this kind of games when I was young but at my old age I seem to have lost all patience for "A game of puzzles where you have to constantly backtrack to see if Button A pressed at Location B revealed hidden lever D at location E wait was it location F aaaaaAAAAArrrrrgh!!!!" I'm eyeing "Frostpunk" myself. On the one hand, if I wait, it will certainly go lower than 40%. On the other, I'm currently very much into being a sociopathic city ruler and I hear that game greatly caters to such a sentiment.
  19. Not much yet, just started and so far not microing sims hasn't bitten me in the arse.
  20. Stop it, you guys. I have a backlog so huge I'm embarrassed to cough up numbers, last thing I need to play Bloodlines again. ...so. How well dumb muscle clans fare in talky and sneaky bits?
  21. Pretty much that, Bugmaker's pacing is goofy like that. You gotta rush to finish the main event asap because bad things will happen to your kingdom otherwise, and then you just traipse around and spin that counter on kingdom management screen until something happens. As for what I'm playing, got hooked on sci-fi builders, doing "Surviving Mars" now. So relaxing, so easy on eyes and ears. I wonder what will I do next, mayhap foray into space 4xes? Even if I suck at 4X worse than city building, but I miss good ol' space science fiction too much.
  22. There's one already, thinbloods. As for the blanks, my guess would be Ventrue and Nosferatu too, although I'd take Malks over yuppies any day. Sigh. So, so hard to not get hyped about this game.
  23. Eh, I found ME3 sucking from the start so its ending wasn't as much as letdown as logical conclusion. About 0,7 milliLosts and I'm being generous.
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